**Written by Doug Powers
Headline of the day, via The College Fix:
I'm pretty sure the person hired won't be a man, because “men” who “manage” might be considered a hyper-masculine trigger which would make the whole problem self-perpetuating:
The men's manager will also launch initiatives to challenge “gender stereotypes,” and expand the school's Men's Allied Voices for a Respectful and Inclusive Community, a self-described “violence prevention program” at Princeton that often bemoans “toxic m...
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Dems’ launch ‘Better Deal’ at definition of insanity
**Written by Doug Powers
When a restaurant sends out a reminder that the same dish that made you barf last year is being re-introduced under a different name, you get something like this:
Six months after Republicans gained control of the White House and both houses of Congress, Democrats have outlined a plan to improve their chances of methodically taking it all back.
They are leaning heavily on a re-branding of their greatest hits — more and better-paying jobs, lowering health care costs and c...
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Hammer time! FBI seizes smashed hard drives from Wasserman Schultz aide
**Written by Doug Powers
Just in case, better cue Drebin:
Something about this whole reported scenario sounds awfully familiar:
FBI agents seized smashed computer hard drives from the home of Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz's information technology (IT) administrator, according to two sources with knowledge of the investigation.
Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to g...
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New Dem slogan a BIG hit with people who make money testing slogans (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
The fuse on another Sunday open thread is lit, and here are just a couple things to kick off the festivities…
The DNC's road to recovery (hey, eight years of Obama was tough on everybody) begins with a new slogan:
Completely sapped of power in Washington, top leaders of the Democratic Party now believe that the best way to fight a president who penned “The Art of the Deal” is with an economic agenda that they plan to call “A Better Deal.”
The campaign-style motto, panned...
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Kamala Harris getting an early start on losing the 2020 election?
**Written by Doug Powers
Fast forward to a hypothetical 2020 where California Sen. Kamala Harris is the Democrat nominee. Historians might later trace her election loss back to this point in time:
Yes, by all means, give Team Hillary veterans a very large role in the process:
California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris has brought a number of former Hillary Clinton campaign veterans on board to work in her Washington, D.C., congressional office, according to its roster.
Harris has garnered media ...
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Climate crisis getting so dire DiCaprio’s *giving up private jets (*next Wed. only)
**Written by Doug Powers
Uh oh, it must be getting serious:
Leo DiCaprio is shoring up environmentally friendly plans for his foundation's annual gala and auction in St-Tropez, sources tell us.
We hear that the star is ditching any private jets and will fly commercial to the glitzy French fête on Wednesday.
Organizers are putting the finishing touches on a “pescetarian” menu that will be “meat-free and feature local, sustainable fish and vegetables from area growers.”
Ecowarrior DiCaprio ha...
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Baltimore promotes ‘nobody kill anybody’ weekend… next month
**Written by Doug Powers
With suggestions such as “try not letting Democrats run your city for decades on end” completely off the table, some Baltimore neighborhood leaders are looking for other ways to stem an out-of-control problem. Here's the latest initiative:
Bridgeford and other neighborhood leaders are drumming up support for a three-day ceasefire the first weekend of August to quell Baltimore's violence. She admits that such peace is a tall order for a city that's seen 188 killings this...
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This GOP senator’s NOT afraid to stand up to Trump (just don’t ask who it is)
**Written by Doug Powers
The funniest paragraph I read all day is in a New York Times article about Trump's meeting with dozens of GOP senators at the White House yesterday. During that meeting, Trump reminded them that the GOP promised to do away with Obamacare if voters gave them control in DC, and apparently not all of the senators were thrilled with the lecture.
The wind-up, reportedly from a GOP senator:
The president, he said, scares no one in the Senate, not even the pages.
Which GOP sena...
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NPR & Bill Nye share 2-step climate change fix: You stop having kids, then die ASAP
**Written by Doug Powers
How to stop climate change? Here it is in two creepy, Orwellian steps.
Step one, from NPR: Your kids have become a real problem for eco-progressives, unless they work for NPR:
But there's another way to help the climate. A recent study from Lund University in Sweden shows that the biggest way to reduce climate change is to have fewer children.
“I knew this was a sensitive topic to bring up,” says study co-author Kimberly Nicholas on NPR's Morning Edition. “Certainly it's...
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Tropical storm-that-wasn’t dramatizes former presidential candidate’s 2016
**Written by Doug Powers
There was a tropical storm named “Don” last week, but I thought the story of this other tropical storm provided a great summary of how 2016 went for the Democrats:
Your “and it never came near Wisconsin” joke here: _______
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Manufacturing hate for “Made in America”
Manufacturing hate for “Made in America”
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
It's “Made In America” week in Washington, D.C. You'd think this would be cause for bipartisan celebration. Who could be against highlighting the ingenuity, self-reliance and success of our nation's homegrown entrepreneurs and manufacturers?
Enter Bill Kristol.
The entrenched Beltway pundit ridiculed a festive kickoff event on Monday at the White House, where President Donald Trump hosted companies from ...
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O-care remains, but just wait until the GOP takes control of Congr… oh, wait
**Written by Doug Powers
Michelle summed it up nicely earlier:
Whelp. If it's a day that ends in "-day," it's another mortifying McConnell head-banging-against-the-wall day for the GOP…#oldiebutgoodie pic.twitter.com/dbfzt4n0Gs
— Michelle Malkin (@michellemalkin) July 18, 2017
It's official: Obamacare's most likely going to be around for quite a while:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pulled the plug late Monday on the Republican effort to overhaul the U.S. health insurance system and pl...
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Bernie Sanders’ wife pays homage to Hillary explaining FBI investigation
**Written by Doug Powers
Does this kind of defense against an FBI investigation sound familiar?
Who says Sanders didn't learn anything from Hillary about crises control during the campaign:
A Vermont Trump campaign chair's efforts to prove Sen. Bernie Sanders' wife committed bank fraud are “sexist,” Jane Sanders charged in a new interview.
“I find it incredibly sexist that basically he's going after my husband by destroying my reputation, and that's not OK,” she told the Boston Globe.
Brady T...
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Elizabeth Warren reminds downtrodden on Martha’s Vineyard she’s fighting for them (open thread)
Maybe she meant to say “WWI,” but it would **Written by Doug Powers
Another fine summer Sunday is upon us, and with it the accompanying global warming has swept in another open thread with some odds and ends that slipped through the cracks during the week. Off we go…
Nobody can visit Martha's Vineyard without coming away with the impression that the struggle is real. So, not unlike Hillary Clinton, Sen. Elizabeth Warren showed up at a Vineyard town hall to remind the marginalized and downtrodd...
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Trump-blocked on Twitter: A new class of ‘victims’ are born
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, it seems there's a new class of “victims” in America:
Others have joined in and are suing Trump and a couple others in the WH for blocking them on Twitter because apparently it's too much trouble to jus go pretend to have been injured in a fall at Trump Tower:
A group of Twitter users blocked by President Trump are suing him and two White House aides, arguing that the president's Twitter account serves as a public forum, which would make it illegal for Mr. Trump,...
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Al Gore undaunted by inconvenient truth about Antarctic iceberg
**Written by Doug Powers
Another day, another natural occurrence for Al Gore to blame on your air conditioner, car and barbecue grill but definitely not his mansions and private jet flights to emergency summits about limiting emissions:
It's actually a jarring reminder that Gore's an agenda-driven, greedy science hack. The same article Gore cites as more evidence of what's being caused by global warming debunks Al's “settled science”:
There is no scientific consensus over whether global warmi...
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HuffPost embarking on dangerous mission to explore mysterious middle America
**Written by Doug Powers
The fact that HuffPost is approaching this like they're intellectual Eloi setting off to observe a bunch of cow-tipping Morlocks speaks volumes, but it's sure to bring with it some fantastic moments of bewilderment and discovery:
Having made its name as a home for liberals and the blog posts of coastal elites, the recently renamed HuffPost is seeking to reinforce its new, less partisan image with a seven-week bus tour through Middle America to “listen and learn what it m...
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Will new wrinkle in Trump Jr./Russia story render MSM temporarily incurious?
**Written by Doug Powers
Safe prediction: Much of the same MSM that suddenly started clamoring to be the next Woodward and/or Bernstein in mid-January after a drooling 8-year trance won't be overly curious about this new wrinkle in the Donald Trump Jr./Russian lawyer story. Here's why:
The Russian lawyer who penetrated Donald Trump's inner circle was initially cleared into the United States by the Justice Department under “extraordinary circumstances” before she embarked on a lobbying campaign l...
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The crisis in America’s crime labs
The crisis in America's crime labs
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Junk science endangers lives. Forensic junk science in the hands of overzealous prosecutors, ignorant police detectives and reckless experts threatens liberty.
There is a crisis in America's government-run crime labs — and it's not just the result of a few rogue operators. The problem is long-festering and systemic.
In April, Massachusetts state crime lab chemist Annie Dookhan made national headlines after inv...
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NY Times’ David Brooks describes ordeal of lunching with a rube
**Written by Doug Powers
Michelle wrote years ago that NYT columnist David Brooks will “never let an opportunity pass to remind you that he is an intellectual and you are a grimy member of the unwashed masses.” Brooks' Tuesday column proves that nothing's changed:
I was braced by Reeves's book, but after speaking with him a few times about it, I've come to think the structural barriers he emphasizes are less important than the informal social barriers that segregate the lower 80 percent.
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