**Written by Doug Powers
Uh oh, there's some intra-party bickering going on amongst California Dems because of disagreement over the party's election probably caused by climate change and lack of single-payer health care system:
Longtime party operative Eric Bauman won the chairmanship of the California Democratic Party over the weekend — but his victory was marred by complaints of ballot-stuffing and floor protests. Backers of the Kimberly Ellis, a favorite of the “Berniecrat,” activist wing of...
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AWW: Notre Dame grads say they walked out because Pence made them feel ‘unsafe’
**Written by Doug Powers
This sounds especially stupid and snowflakey in the wake of the enraging and horrific attack in Manchester last night: A couple of Notre Dame grads who walked out during Mike Pence's commencement speech say they left because they felt “unsafe” in the presence of the VP:
Two University of Notre Dame students who joined the walkout during Vice President Mike Pence's commencement speech Sunday said they left because Pence made people feel “unsafe.”
Luis Miranda and Aniela T...
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NY governor takes temporary break from leading The Resistance™ to ask Trump for money
**Written by Doug Powers
How's NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo's “Resistance™” effort going? Here's an update…
The wind-up, from earlier this month:
And the pitch, from yesterday:
The Resistance™ is adding to their bylaws a disclaimer saying exceptions will be made to any Resistance™ is the Resister in question is in need of federal dollars.
(h/t JWF)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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If everybody could drop the Weiner story, CNN’s politics reporter would appreciate it (Open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday is upon us, so here we go with the weekly open thread…
Anthony Weiner, the perverted Democrat former congressman and soon-to-be ex-husband of Hillary Clinton's top aid Huma Abedin, turned himself in to the FBI and issued a guilty plea to sending obscene material to a minor, and will also have to register as a sex offender. CNN Political Reporter Chris Cillizza (formerly of WaPo) would appreciate it if everybody would now drop it:
Those are the facts. Now, ...
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Now Hillary can blame her loss on somebody other than just Comey and Russia
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton now knows another reason why she wasn't 50 points ahead: Damn you, Twitter!
Twitter co-founder Evan Williams apologized for the role Twitter may have played in electing President Trump.
In an interview published Saturday in The New York Times, Williams discussed the president's March claim to Fox News that “I think that maybe I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Twitter.”
“It's a very bad thing, Twitter's role in that,” Williams told the Times. “If it's t...
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Maxine Waters & Dianne Feinstein lay out current evidence of Trump/Russia collusion
**Written by Doug Powers
Rep. Maxine Waters has been among the Dems who are furiously shoveling coal into the furnace that keeps the Trump Impeachment Train chugging along the tracks. Here's Waters recently laying out the “collusion” case against President Trump, followed by the massive amount of evidence she's gathered so far (via Jim Geraghty at NRO):
Sam Stein, Huffington Post: “But just to be clear, there has been no actual evidence yet.”
REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): “No, it has not been.”...
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Planned Parenthood manages to shatter their previous self-unawareness record
**Written by Doug Powers
Planned Parenthood obviously starts each morning with one goal in mind: To completely eclipse the previous day's levels of shamelessness and self-unawareness. They succeeded wildly on Thursday. This is on a web page at the Planned Parenthood Action Fund website — I kid you not:
Now this is how to invite a lightning strike:
If there's anything we've learned from Joss Whedon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Firefly, The Avengers) over the years, it's this — every single one of...
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Journalism 2017: Time Mag’s cover is a DNC talking points memo in one illustration
**Written by Doug Powers
DNC talking points memos and MSM anonymous sources now pass as enough “journalism” to give us this kind of thing in 2017:
I can recall no such cover after Obama's “more flexibility after my re-election” hot mic comment to Medvedev or Hillary's giddiness while handing Russia a relationship “reset” button, and those things actually happened.
Reuters summed up where this all stands with the so-called “media.” Here's the opening of an article published this morning:
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Jerry Brown has had enough of ‘freeloaders’ whining about tax hikes
**Written by Doug Powers
How to win the hearts and minds of “regular” people who are taxpayers, progressive-style:
In response to criticism over a new $52 billion tax hike for the already heavily-taxed state, Gov. Jerry Brown (D-Calif.) called upset taxpayers “freeloaders.”
“The freeloaders — I've had enough of them,” Brown said at an event in Orange Country last week.
Yes, law-abiding Californians who work and pay taxes are “freeloaders” according to his liberal logic, just because they don't s...
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Who has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?
Who has Absolute Health Care Moral Authority?
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Here is what happens if you try to tell health care stories that defy big government orthodoxy:
When GOP Congressman Rodney Davis of Illinois tried to recount how his wife, a nurse and colon cancer survivor, struggled in the nationalized Canadian health care system, liberal protesters responded by uttering “Ugh!” and catcalling him.
When GOP Rep. Tom MacArthur of New Jersey attempted to tell a rowdy...
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Out for Dems: ‘Recovery Summer’ — In for Dems: ‘Resistance Summer’
**Written by Doug Powers
The DNC is hoping “twice as much of the same” will help save the Democratic Party from a generation or more of languishing in the minority across the board. Prepare for “Resistance Summer”:
The Democratic National Committee reportedly is planning to pump $1 million into everything from rallies, town halls and neighborhood meetings in hopes of growing voter opposition to President Trump.
The so-called “Resistance Summer” is billed as a 50-state strategy. The DNC plans to ...
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The ‘What mainstream media bias?’ story of the week
**Written by Doug Powers
The Washington Post has joined the rest of the mainstream media's return to the hardcore journalism business rested and ready after a semi-vacation for the last few years, and they're really proud of their latest “scoop”:
According to Glenn Kessler, the paper's “fact checker,” their scoop Monday that President Trump revealed classified intelligence to Russian diplomats broke the Post's record for readers per second clicking on the article.
Kessler said the newsroom brok...
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Turns out SNL cast members took Hillary’s loss pretty hard (gee, it didn’t show!)
**Written by Doug Powers
Echoing what I'm guessing were the reactions in many newsrooms across the country, a recent interview confirms that Saturday Night Live cast members, who had all but already anointed Hillary Clinton as the next president, were incredibly depressed just after seeing their hopes, dreams and assumptions scrubbed so fast that BleachBit must have been used:
The cast members of the long-running NBC sketch show told the Hollywood Reporter they sobbed and did not know what to wr...
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Oh my: Cecile Richards describes how to say ‘I love you, mom’ on Mother’s Day (open thread)
The kid was wearing a MAGA hat so Comey's not going to actually eat them. It's true because one of the many “anonymous sources” that are now available in such great abundance told me.
If at future congressional hearings Comey doesn't say anything helpful to the Dems' election narrative they'll be back to hating him again.
Have a good Sunday all!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter **Written by Doug Powers
First off, happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there! Sunday open thread, Mother's Day ed...
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An upset Michelle Obama wonders who will care about our kids now
**Written by Doug Powers
The looming end of Obama-era school lunch regs that were championed by Michelle Obama has displeased the former First Lady, and for the first time in years, she's not proud of her country's school lunch direction:
Without mentioning President Donald Trump by name, she urged parents to think about the government's decision and “look at motives.”
“You have to stop and think, ‘Why don't you want our kids to have good food at school? What is wrong with you and why is that a ...
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Go figure: Dems claiming Russia ‘hacked the election’ slam Trump’s vote fraud panel
**Written by Doug Powers
How many times in the past few months have Democrats used the term “hacked the election” to describe Russia's meddling in order to imply the vote tallies were altered? I don't know the exact answer, but it's a lot:
Fast forward to today, when Trump launched a voter fraud panel. Dems are apoplectic:
President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday forming a commission on voter fraud and elections, an action many Democrats say is aimed at justifying his unfound...
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CNN’s swinging for the Pulitzer fences with this Trump scoop
**Written by Doug Powers
2017 isn't even half over but it's unlikely we'll eclipse the kind of journalism we've seen so far this year. Via @KassyDillon, bask in this CNN screen shot:
Rumor has it Woodward and Bernstein have optioned the story from CNN for a sequel titled “All the President's Mint Chocolate Chip.”
Now I know what Dems mean when they sound the alarm about a “constitutional crisis”:
President Donald Trump is living every child's dream: More ice cream.
According to an extensive in...
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Bernie Sanders stumbles upon inconvenient landmine left behind by Harry Reid
**Written by Doug Powers
Bernie Sanders has a hope when it comes to confirming the next FBI director:
Sorry, Bernie, but…
The landmines Harry Reid just keep getting stepped on.
This, from 2013, is on the website of the senator who wants 60 votes to get something done:
“This country faces major crises in terms of the economy and unemployment, the deficit, global warming, health care, campaign finance reform, education and a crumbling infrastructure – to name a few. In my view, none of these ...
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AWW: US ambassador tired of explaining America to the enlightened in Qatar
**Written by Doug Powers
And the Shameless Trump-triggered Public Servant of the Week award goes to…
US Ambassador to Qatar Dana Shell Smith appeared to criticize President Trump in a tweet on Wednesday, expressing frustration at the news coming out of the United States.
“Increasingly difficult to wake up overseas to news from home, knowing I will spend today explaining our democracy and institutions,” Smith said in her tweet.
Smith was confirmed by the Senate to her post in 2014 under former Pr...
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Colbert gets audience to change opinion about Comey firing in a mere 60 seconds
**Written by Doug Powers
Just watch the first minute or so, because it's a lesson in how to herd a confused audience that's been exposed to Dems slamming the FBI director for quite some and now doesn't quite know what to think at this point.
Colbert started off by breaking the news of President Trump's firing of James Comey — The audience roared in approval. A surprised Colbert then said the crowd must be loaded with “HUGE Donald Trump fans.” After that, Colbert mentioned Jeff Sessions (who rec...
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