Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part Two
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
In Oklahoma City, words don't mean what they plainly mean. Asking government officials simple questions prompts Orwellian acrobatics. By distorting language and obfuscating actions, public bureaucrats subvert transparency and evade accountability.
Whether in the fictional dictatorship of Oceania, or the true-life fascistic regime of North Korea, or the petty tyranny of Oklahoma, linguistic deceit is an instru...
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Harry Reid found an out-of-this-world way to secretly reward a donor
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a little story you might have read about this week:
In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.
Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.
Scratch beneath the surface, though, and that's also how Harry Reid wanted it:
The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, ...
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Effects of man-made climate change turn on a dime again, Part XXIV
**Written by Doug Powers
From the “Climate change is whatever we say it is so shut up” file we find the latest alarms being sounded in Alaska:
Snowfall in central Alaska has more than doubled since the mid 1800s, says a study which pointed the finger at global warming
— AFP news agency (@AFP) December 19, 2017
Scientists blame global warming for DOUBLING the amount of snow atop an Alaskan mountain range
— Daily Mail On...
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Senate Dems decide they don’t want to quit Franken, and vice-versa
**Written by Doug Powers
You knew something like this was in the works when Al Franken took the “delayed resignation” angle. Pump the brakes!
At least four senators are urging Al Franken to reconsider resigning, including two who issued statements calling for the resignation two weeks ago and said they now feel remorse over what they feel was a rush to judgment.
Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), who urged Franken not to step down to begin with — at least not before he went through an Ethics Committee ...
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Irony gold: ‘DREAMer’ activists arrested for unlawful entry… to Chuck Schumer’s office
**Written by Doug Powers
This is definitely a late entry as a finalist for the most ironic story of the year:
USCP arrest four protesters in Schumer's Capitol Hill office after hours. Were busted around 8 pm et. Charged w/unlawful entry. Were protesting immigration policy and demanding action on the DREAM Act.
— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) December 16, 2017
Come on, Chuck, why won't you insist that your workspace serves as a “sanctuary office” for your like-minded brethren?
Seven so-called “...
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U.N. readies strongly worded, toothless resolution after Trump acknowledges reality
**Written by Doug Powers
The United Nations frequently criticizes what they call “climate denial” but they're perfectly comfortable with reality denial, as evidenced by the triggering after President Trump said that the city where Israel's capital is located actually is the capital city of Israel. Trump's decision really got some U.N. bureaucrats' Boutros Boutros-Ghali signature line of undies in a wad:
The United Nations (U.N.) Security Council is weighing a draft resolution that would essenti...
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SNL cast member proves Trump wrong to call show biased by getting a Hillary tattoo
**Written by Doug Powers
It's impressive the way so many comedic performers in the last few years have been so willing to speak truth to power in either party. Wait, never mind:
Hillary Clinton has made quite an impression on “Saturday Night Live” cast member Pete Davidson — on his right leg, to be exact.
Davidson, who publicly supported Clinton during the 2016 presidential election, posted a photo Friday on Instagram of his new tattoo, which is of Clinton.
“Wanted to get @hillaryclinton a Chri...
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770 fewer people driving cars to work at EPA spells good news for the environment!
**Written by Doug Powers
There's good news on the fossil fuel emissions front this year: The election of Donald Trump as president has sparked an exodus from the EPA. Fewer cars being driven every day is good for the environment, and yet progressives are panicking about it:
Over 700 employees at the Environmental Protection Agency have quit or taken early retirement during the Trump administration so far, bringing the agency close to employment levels not seen since Reagan.
ThinkProgress, whose ...
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Shocker: Comey statement on FBI’s Hillary probe was heavily edited (guess who helped)
**Written by Doug Powers
The real eye-roller about the James Comey statement about Hillary Clinton in late October of last year wasn't that it was edited, but rather who did the editing. But I'll get to that in a minute. First off, in general, it's been discovered that the then-FBI director's original statement later got more watered down than a mixed drink at a chain restaurant:
Newly released documents reveal that then-FBI Director James Comey's draft statement on the Hillary Clinton email pro...
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CNN sounds alarm about 26-year-olds falling off parents’ insurance, blames Trump
**Written by Doug Powers
Don't show this to anybody who maybe fought in a war or battled a horrible disease at a young age or else they might pull a muscle laughing:
26-year-olds face challenges as they fall off parents' health insurance
— CNN (@CNN) December 13, 2017
All together now:
But wait, what's the problem!? Democrats assured us that point all they'd have to do is take advantage one of the affordable & comprehensive plans availabl...
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Still dawdling over deadly diversity visas
Still dawdling over deadly diversity visas
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Capitol Hill's national security priorities are screwier than a Six Flags roller coaster.
Instead of immediately shutting down one of America's stupidest visa programs, which helped bring us yet another murder-minded jihadist this week, bipartisan Beltway politicians are pushing to preserve and expand the illegal immigration pipeline. Republicans and Democrats in Congress want a “fix” for the Obama adm...
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The Schiff’s hitting the fan
**Written by Doug Powers
It's been 13 months since the presidential election, and Hillary Clinton's offer of $20 for each time any Democrat implies that the reason she lost is Russia must still be on the table. Rep. Adam Schiff continues to demonstrate that “Trump colluded with Russia to win the election” is a narrative in desperate search of real-world evidence to back it up, and he's not stopping until somehow willing it into existence:
CNN host Jake Tapper ran through the thread of stories ...
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AYFKM? Family of NYC terrorist ‘outraged’ (by police response)
**Written by Doug Powers
The man arrested for attempting a suicide bombing in Manhattan, Akayed Ullah, didn't succeed in his murderous goal and instead injured himself and a few other people. Ullah reportedly told officials he was inspired by ISIS and clearly wanted to kill as many people as possible, but failed. With that in mind, the family of Ullah put out a statement with the help of CAIR expressing disgust… at the response of NYC police and investigators. I sh*t you not:
JUST IN: Family of...
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Trump’s drink of choice has CNN swinging for Pulitzer fences (again)
**Written by Doug Powers
The eagle-eyed journalists at CNN spotted yet another way President Trump may be ripping apart the very fabric of the Republic we hold dear by doing something the Founding Fathers could never have envisioned: Drinking Diet Coke. Impeachment is imminent:
President Trump reportedly drinks 12 Diet Cokes each day. What exactly does that do to his body?
— CNN (@CNN) December 11, 2017
You know the momentum of the “Trump collu...
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NBC News churns out spin N. Korea State Media might want to pick up on
**Written by Doug Powers
America: The mainstream media has reached peak stupid these last few weeks.
NBC News: Hold our beer:
Ironically that's the kind of spin N. Korea's state media might want to run with.
Predicted next NBC News headline: “Trump's Anti-Kim Jong-un Policy Poses Threat to N. Korea's Reliable Electrical Grid”:
(h/t Twitchy)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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SCIENCE! Jerry Brown knows who to blame for Calif. wildfires
**Written by Doug Powers
As you know, since January 20th everything bad is Donald Trump's fault, and that includes wildfires in California:
California is reeling from its most destructive wildfire season ever, exacerbated Governor Jerry Brown says, by the effects of climate change. Brown says the fires show President Trump is making a mistake by ignoring the facts of global warming. Governor Brown speaks to Bill Whitaker for a report to be broadcast on 60 Minutes, Sunday, Dec. 10, at 7:00 p.m., ...
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How can MSM prove they’re making ‘honest mistakes’ about Trump? Simple
**Written by Doug Powers
The last few weeks for certain outlets in the mainstream media have been such a huge joke that “journalism” should be put under the purview of The Improv until further notice:
CNN on Friday corrected an erroneous report that Donald Trump Jr. had received advance notice from the anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks about a trove of hacked documents that it planned to release during last year's presidential campaign.
In fact, the email to Mr. Trump was sent a day after the documen...
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Obama reminds nation to thank Obama for current economic growth
**Written by Doug Powers
The most unsurprising brag stretch of the week:
Former President Barack Obama is taking credit for the robust economic growth that is taking place under President Trump.
At a conference of mayors in Chicago, Mr. Obama congratulated himself Tuesday for strong employment numbers in the U.S. this year, saying his climate-change policies have contributed to growth.
“As we took these actions, we saw the U.S. economy grow consistently,” Mr. Obama said. “We saw the longest stre...
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Newsweek wants you to meet the Pence family — Serial pet killers
**Written by Doug Powers
Pets owned by Mike Pence's family are not unlike the pets of any of the rest of us: Sadly they grow old and eventually die with no surrounding suspicious circumstances. If you're the media and looking for an angle, however, you might come up with something like Newsweek tried to dress up as journalism that instead smells more like the inside of a rabbit's cage that hasn't been cleaned in a couple of weeks:
Mike Pence's pets won't stop dying pic.t...
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Uh oh! Planned Parenthood under federal investigation
**Written by Doug Powers
The Department of Justice (DOJ) has announced that Planned Parenthood is officially under federal investigation. Investigations in 2016 by the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives and the Senate Judiciary Committee resulted in Planned Parenthood being referred to the FBI and the DOJ, as well as state attorneys general, for criminal investigations. After two comprehensive probes, the Committee and the Panel separately found that uncovered documents and t...
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