**Written by Doug Powers
I can't quite put my finger on it, but something seems to have gone horribly awry for Hillary Clinton at some point between this…
And this…
Hard to believe she lost, isn't it?
The proceeds go to Planned Parenthood, which in turn goes to Democrats, who in turn complain that PP doesn't have enough money and needs continued taxpayer funding.
Meanwhile Hillary, a PP “Champion of the Century,” appears headed for her own home shopping show on TBS peddling abortion merch a...
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Science! More proof that climate change alarmists have ALL the bases covered
**Written by Doug Powers
Popular Science, yesterday:
Popular Science, March of last year:
It certainly looks like they've got all the “climate change” bases covered there. Climate “science” sure can turn on a dime! All we can really be sure of is no matter what happens this coming winter — record warmth or historic cold — it'll be because Trump ripped up the Paris Agreement.
What say you, Al Gore?
Thought so.
(h/t Tom Nelson)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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‘New tone,’ Bernie-style: GOP health bill would be like several 9/11’s every year
**Written by Doug Powers
It seems like less than a month ago that Bernie Sanders put out a statement condemning the Alexandria shooting by a nutjob who had volunteered on his campaign while other Dems called for dialing down the extreme rhetoric. Wait, it was less than a month ago — but already Sanders is back to doing his thing after a break of maybe 10 minutes, if that:
“Now obviously nobody can predict exactly how many people will die if they lose their coverage. Nobody can make that predicti...
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Journalism! Dem shoots GOPers, so WaPo examines role of right-wing talk radio (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday is upon us, so here's our weekly cavalcade of odds & ends.
Leading off, remember not long ago when an MSNBC-loving Bernie Sanders-supporter went unhinged and tried to assassinate Republicans at a congressional baseball game? If you're the Washington Post, how do you frame that? Easy!
In the week leading up to the Trump/Putin meeting at the G20, CNN was chock full of reports about “sources” who told them Trump wouldn't bring up Russi...
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Hillary’s unused ‘victory’ confetti turned into therapy snow globes for her glum fans
**Written by Doug Powers
On election night in November, the Hillary Clinton campaign was ready to shower her victory partiers with a whole lot of confetti, but instead, the party favor containers ended up like the copy of Monogamy Forever somebody once gave Bill: Unopened. But that confetti is now being turned into therapeutic “art” for #StrongerTogether support groups:
Early on election night last November, artist Bunny Burson looked to New York City's Javits Center ceiling, expecting confetti ...
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Priorities: Bill de Blasio flies to G20 to join fellow Resistors
**Written by Doug Powers
No more calls are necessary, we have our “Headline of the Week” winner:
That's the leftist equivalent of winning a dream vacation on The Price is Right.
Having solved all other problems in his own city…
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Thursday skipped an NYPD swearing-in ceremony made somber by this week's assassination of a cop — then hours later revealed he was busy preparing to jet off on a surprise trip to join leftist protesters at the G-20 summit in Germany.
Hizzoner's o...
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Of course: Jerry Brown invites private jet parade to Calif. for emergency climate change conference
**Written by Doug Powers
President Trump pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement has left Gov. Jerry Brown with no choice but a last ditch effort to save California (and the planet) from the effects of fossil fuel emissions: A parade of eco-hypocrites crop dusting the planet with private jet exhaust to get to his climate summit:
California Gov. Jerry Brown plans to convene a climate conference next year, his latest action to position the state as a leader in battling global warming as the Wh...
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CNN’s WH correspondent crosses the ‘fake news’ streams
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, CNN continued its incredible run of self-inflicted crotch-kickings today. It started like this:
On Thursday morning's edition of ‘New Day,' CNN White House correspondent Jim Acosta discussed the short press conference President Trump and the Polish president gave this morning in Warsaw. The two leaders only took four questions — two from each country's press corps — and left several follow up questions unanswered.
Acosta also questioned the president's claim tha...
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Either Dems are testing 2018 slogans or a GOP operative has infiltrated the DCCC
**Written by Doug Powers
The Democrats, in an apparent run-up to eventually re-nominating Hillary Clinton in 2020 and putting another giant exclamation point at the end of the definition of insanity, are first testing some slogans inadvertently designed to keep Congress in Republican hands late next year:
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has sent out some “tester” bumper stickers for the midterm elections that have been met with about as much warmth as a fender bender. One reads: ...
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CNN swings for Pulitzer fences by blowing lid off gif-gate
(@MartiniShark) **Written by Doug Powers
Three days ago President Trump tweeted this gif:
#FraudNewsCNN #FNN pic.twitter.com/WYUnHjjUjg
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 2, 2017
Fearing that could serve as an inspiration for others to also tackle their logo, CNN decided to get to the bottom of it. They tracked down the origin of the gif and even threatened to expose the person who made it — if he goes back on his apology or blasphemes their network ever again:
The Reddit user who ini...
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Washington Post is officially out of Trump bombshells
**Written by Doug Powers
Back in February the Washington Post announced a change in slogans to match the newspaper's renewed commitment to “journalism” after waking up from an 8-year Hope & Change slumber rested and ready:
How's the WaPo's push to dig up a presidential bombshell that makes Watergate look like a dud firecracker in comparison coming along? (Via Hot Air)
I'm just guessing here, but I'd be willing to bet a few dollars that this video features some of the WaPo's infamous “ano...
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Happy Independence Day, America
As a public service reminder of the reason for the season, I'm reprinting the Declaration of Independence in its entirety. The transcription comes via the National Archives.
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which t...
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Stephen Hawking: Trump’s singlehandedly turning Earth into Venus, or something
**Written by Doug Powers
Who knew that wadding up a piece of paper Obama signed just last year could be the equivalent of moving the Earth 25 million miles closer to the sun:
Stephen Hawking blasted President Trump's recent decision to pull the United States out of the Paris climate change agreement in a new interview, saying it “could push Earth over the brink.”
Hawking told BBC News that Trump withdrawing the U.S. from the agreement would lead to disastrous consequences worldwide.
“We are clos...
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Shocker! ‘Obamaphone’ program a fraud-fest (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a quick open thread for a holiday weekend Sunday while I get the fireworks show prepped for Tuesday night. Leading it off is perhaps the least surprising news of the past decade: The “Obamaphone” program is a fraud-fest:
A new government audit finds more than a third of enrollees of the “Obamaphone” program may not be qualified — among other fraudulent findings — prompting a Senate Democrat to roundly criticize the program's “complete lack of oversight.”
A report ...
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More than 2 dozen Dems hatch plan to make Mike Pence president
**Written by Doug Powers
You'd think Democrats would want to retreat and figure out how to prevent further self-immolation of their own party in upcoming elections, but instead some are opting for measures that would at best make Mike Pence the president while Hillary would continue to wander around in the woods:
Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin (Md.) has introduced a bill that would create a congressional oversight commission that could declare the president incapacitated, leading to his removal f...
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NY Gov. Cuomo not so eager to find out how many Russians voted after all?
**Written by Doug Powers
In December 2016, just weeks after the election, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was among those calling on the federal government to get to the bottom of election “tampering” allegations:
Gov. Andrew Cuomo urged federal lawmakers to review allegations of Russian interference in the presidential election, calling such claims “frightening” that need to be reviewed.
Speaking with reporters in Tarrytown near the site of the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement project, Cuomo said urge...
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Sheila Jackson Lee: Impeachment could take too long so Trump should just resign right now
**Written by Doug Powers
President Trump's tweets this morning about Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are approaching “high crimes and misdemeanor” status with Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, and she wants Trump to resign forthwith:
Enough is ENOUGH! @realDonaldTrump you need to resign! pic.twitter.com/weTYdBF6MP
— Sheila Jackson Lee (@JacksonLeeTX18) June 29, 2017
She hasn't seen anything like it in all the 400 years of the US Constitutional Republic! But if Trump won't resign, Jackson Lee and h...
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Proud ‘Margaret Sanger Award’ recipient: Repealing O-care would dishonor God
**Written by Doug Powers
Yet again the absence of an ensuing show of lightning shooting down from on high after another Pelosi whopper challenges my faith in the existence of a benevolent God:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) said on Tuesday that Republicans were dishonoring God with their efforts to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.
Pelosi invoked God to appeal to Republicans across the aisle.
“I know my colleagues are people of faith,”Pelosi said. “They tell us that all the ti...
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Beleaguered CNN returns to their comfort zone to regroup
**Written by Doug Powers
While CNN is reeling after being busted peddling “fake news” about collusion between the Trump team and Russia, here's one way they're pushing back against accusations of bias:
“Back to our wheelhouse, everybody!”
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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The brutal battle against medical kidnappers
The brutal battle against medical kidnappers
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
BOSTON — On the day Boston Children's Hospital celebrated being named “the number one pediatric hospital in the nation” by U.S. News & World Report, I was interviewing Dana Gottesfeld in nearby Somerville, Massachusetts. Dana is the young wife of Martin “Marty G” Gottesfeld, an imprisoned technology engineer/activist who used his skills to fight against medical child abuse committed at Boston's ...
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