**Written by Doug Powers
Al Franken managed to deliver a resignation speech without the actual resignation part, at least for now:
Democratic Sen. Al Franken of Minnesota is resigning following allegations that he touched women inappropriately, he announced on the Senate floor Thursday.
“I am announcing that in the coming weeks I will be resigning as a member of the United States Senate,” Franken said in an emotional address in which he said some of the allegations against him weren't true.
Key ...
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Dianne Feinstein slams Trump for doing exactly what she asked him to do
**Written by Doug Powers
Back in June, 90 senators, including Dianne Feinstein, called on President Trump to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem:
The Senate has passed a resolution that calls for President Donald Trump to make a drastic break from both his Democratic and Republican predecessors and move the U.S. embassy in Israeli from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
Last Thursday, Trump followed in the footsteps of his predecessors and signed a waiver that delays the embassy relocation. Trump promised t...
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Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part One
Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part One
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
A criminal justice system that operates in the dark is arbitrary, unjust and criminal.
In Oklahoma this year, a Kafkaesque set of sealed motions, secret orders and closed-door hearings completely shut out a criminal defendant, his public defenders and the public. A trial judge served as handmaiden for the prosecutors, even failing to notify the defendant and his lawyers of the kangaroo court proceedings unti...
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Out: Conyers — In: Er… Conyers?
**Written by Doug Powers
After facing multiple harassment allegations and getting caught settling complaints with taxpayer money, Rep. John Conyers has decided he's had enough of “public service” at this time. But, as Motor City Monarchy rules require (see: Dingell, John & Debbie), a family member has been chosen as his successor pending voter approval, which is as sure a thing as the Lions not making it to the Super Bowl:
Rep. John Conyers, D-Mich., is expected to announce Tuesday that he w...
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ABC News boss SHOCKED chronically biased, error-prone reporter botched Trump story
**Written by Doug Powers
If you run a news operation, here's the number one warning sign that you're always on the verge of having to issue an embarrassing retraction: You employ Brian Ross. And yet, this guy seems stunned and completely at ease blaming everybody else on his staff for Ross's headfirst dive into an empty “fake news” pool:
The boss at ABC News viciously berated his staff on Monday over Chief Investigative Correspondent Brian Ross's botched “exclusive” about former national securi...
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Nancy Pelosi doesn’t want to cause a panic, but this could be end of the world
**Written by Doug Powers
The Democrats' end-of-the-world rhetoric about the GOP tax bill has been the source of endless amusement this week, but not much of it has predicted an extinction event quite like Nancy Pelosi:
Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said the GOP tax bill was “Armageddon” Monday night while speaking to reporters on Capitol Hill.
The congresswoman was responding to a question about whether it was appropriate to refer to Republican legislation in such apocalyptic terms.
“It is th...
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Obama’s swipe at Trump over Paris Agreement is an ironic backfire
**Written by Doug Powers
Barack Obama returned recently to something he's always done best: Going to a foreign country to take pot shots at things that are going on in the United States:
While speaking to a group of business leaders in Paris, former President Barack Obama said there is a “temporary absence of American leadership” when it comes to tackling climate change.
“I grant you that at the moment we have a temporary absence of American leadership on the issue,” the former president noted,...
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ABC News punishes serial journalistic malpractitioner with holiday vacation
**Written by Doug Powers
ABC News' Brian Ross's bogus report about Trump/Russia collusion made Dems giddy with excitement while causing the stock market to take a temporary dip. However, that was far from Ross's first fact fail, and for some reason his bosses didn't seem to have a problem with his bogus reporting until realizing his negligence could put a dent in their stock portfolios. As a result, Ross has been suspended:
ABC News announced Saturday that it has suspended investigative reporter...
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Classic: Bernie Sanders is VERY concerned about gov’t spending. Now.
**Written by Doug Powers
The GOP tax bill passing the Senate has turned a certain spend-happy socialist into a deficit hawk:
Historians will look back on Dec. 1, 2017 and conclude this was one of the great robberies in US history because Republicans are looting the Treasury.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) December 2, 2017
Last night, trillions of dollars were stolen from the American people. Well, I have news for @SenateMajLdr and @SpeakerRyan: You are not going to get away with it. #TaxScamB...
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ABC News colludes with Hillary’s pet narrative, embarrassment ensues
**Written by Doug Powers
When I saw an ABC News report early Friday about “candidate” Trump supposedly ordering Michael Flynn to contact Russia before the election, I said to myself “it's Brian Ross — wait for the real story to come out.” And sure enough:
ABC News issued a correction Friday on a report published earlier in the day that stated former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn was instructed by President Trump to contact Russians while Trump was still a candidate.
Instead, the “clar...
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Confirmed: Trump’s driven the media into the toilet
**Written by Doug Powers
The list of impeachable offenses the media keeps digging up grows by the day:
NBC Washington got its hands on White House work orders, show a request to replace the toilet seat in the Oval Office in late January, and specifies the project be completed “after hours please.” https://t.co/FGo6KgAUAX
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) December 1, 2017
BREAKING: The White House, not unlike everybody else's house, needs things repaired and replaced once in a while:
White House o...
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Only punishment for illegal alien acquitted of Kate Steinle’s murder: Deportation for 6TH TIME
**Written by Doug Powers
Ya gotta love those sanctuary cities:
A man accused of fatally shooting Kathryn Steinle in a case that President Trump frequently cited in the national debate over illegal immigration was found not guilty on all counts except felony possession of a weapon.
Jurors deliberated for several days before returning the surprise verdict involving Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, a Mexican immigrant in the the country illegally who had been deported five times before the fatal shooting.
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Congress & staffers must attend harassment seminars, no ifs ands or butts
**Written by Doug Powers
Prediction: Things will go downhill fast after the seminar instructor begins by saying “Ok, everybody grab a seat!”
From The Hill:
The House on Wednesday voted to require annual sexual harassment awareness training for all members and staff amid a push to reform the culture on Capitol Hill.
A resolution authored by Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-Va.) passed easily by voice vote, though its passage will not be the hard part for lawmakers seeking to reform the policies to protec...
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This is NOT the best defense Al Franken could have received
**Written by Doug Powers
On Tuesday, Garrison Keillor had this op-ed in the Washington Post:
The next day, this happened:
BREAKING: Garrison Keillor says he's been fired by Minnesota Public Radio over allegations of inappropriate behavior.
— The Associated Press (@AP) November 29, 2017
With Franken's luck, the next guy to come to his defense will be Matt Lauer.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Nancy Pelosi: Sham “Shero”
Nancy Pelosi: Sham “Shero”
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Finally, Nancy Pelosi's faux feminist veneer has fully cracked.
The Democratic “shero” is, and always has been, a sham. But after Pelosi's incoherent babblefest on “Meet the Press” defending accused groper John Conyers and clown-cad Al Franken, the progressive left can no longer mask her partisan perv apologism.
Pelosi milked her XX chromosomes for all their electoral worth. Her official biography brags about her rol...
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AWW: Trump ruined CNN’s holiday spirit
**Written by Doug Powers
The liberal media remain incredibly traumatized by the reality of dealing with a president whose likeness they can't put in makeshift mangers scenes in their respective newsrooms, and CNN's post-Obama stress disorder has reached a breaking point this holiday season:
Adding fuel to its growing feud with President Donald Trump, CNN told POLITICO it will be boycotting the White House Christmas party for the media this year.
“CNN will not be attending this year's White Ho...
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Actual WaPo fact check: Pence jobs claim correct, so only 3 Pinocchios for him
**Written by Doug Powers
There's so much spin in this “fact check” it may well have been written in of a centrifuge, so it might be a good idea to mainline Dramamine before trying to get through it all without getting dizzy. Here's the gist…
The claim:
“There are more Americans working today than ever before in American history.”
— Vice President Pence, remarks during a speech at the Tax Foundation, Nov. 16, 2017
The conclusion: True but false:
More meaningful measures of the overall health of t...
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Shocker! The DC harassment swamp has Dem & media enablers
**Written by Doug Powers
I'll get to the media enablers in a second, but first here's another example of how Nancy Pelosi turns on a hypocrisy dime faster than Al Franken can grab butts at a meet & greet.
The wind-up from 2014:
#YesAllWomen deserve to live free from threats of domestic violence & sexual assault. We must shine a bright light on such despicable crimes
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) May 27, 2014
And the pitch this week:
Rep. Pelosi calls John Conyers an "icon" amid ethic...
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Pelosi: Don’t draw conclusions about Conyers until he’s done investigating himself
**Written by Doug Powers
Remember when Democrats cheered when Hillary Clinton said during the campaign that women with accusations against men should be “heard and believed” while Bill coughed and slowly backed out of the room? You won't be surprised to know those “rules” have changed now that more Dems have been accused. The office of Rep. John Conyers shelled out nearly $30,000 in taxpayer funds to settle a sexual harassment allegation in 2014 (taxpayers are so involuntarily generous that way)...
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Journalism! Out: Russia hacked election — In: WH spox faked Thanksgiving pie
**Written by Doug Powers
From the “It's Come to This” file on this Thanksgiving weekend we find this pre-stuffed turkey of a “bombshell”:
CNN political analyst and American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April Ryan suggested, without any evidence, Friday that White House press secretary Sarah Sanders actually didn't actually cook the pecan pie Sanders said she did.
Ryan is frequently praised by liberals for being a nuisance in the White House press briefing room, but she failed ...
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