**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton's tweeted comments following the mass shooting in Las Vegas Sunday night started out OK:
Las Vegas, we are grieving with you—the victims, those who lost loved ones, the responders, & all affected by this cold-blooded massacre.
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) October 2, 2017
If she would have stopped there, it would have been a decent statement, but this is Hillary Clinton we're talking about. Before any investigation has taken place, Clinton not...
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WARNING: This football team’s ‘unifying moment’ could trigger SJW hyperventilation
**Written by Doug Powers
CAUTION: Social Justice Warriors proceed with paper bag in the event of hyperventilation.
It turns out not all football teams are into the “take a knee” movement as a way to show team unity. Quite the contrary:
A North Georgia high school football team ran out onto the field carrying American flags in what the school superintendent is calling a “unifying moment.”
Superintendent Michael Gwatney said the “patriotic display” was organized by the team, coaches and pare...
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2017: Dem senator on break from corruption trial calls Trump’s leadership ‘shameful’
**Written by Doug Powers
Accusing somebody else of shaming their office in the middle of your own corruption and bribery trial takes some Godzilla-sized chutzpah, but Sen. Menendez is up to the challenge:
Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., told President Trump to “grow up” after the president accused the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Yulin Cruz, of demonstrating poor leadership as the island works to recover from Hurricane Maria.
“Mr. President, I just saw this in PR. Attacking Mayor @CarmenYulinCruz isn't ...
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Rule change! Hillary now says you don’t have to vote for candidate just because she’s a woman
**Written by Doug Powers
Michelle Obama recently said that women who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton “voted against their own voice.” Hillary herself said that some of the women who didn't vote for her only avoided doing so because they caved into pressure from the men in their lives. In other words, Hillary Clinton's 2016 effort was a shame-based campaign hinged on the narrative that “women should vote for women.” Now that Clinton's no longer a candidate, however, she's made it clear her 2016 r...
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NY Times columnist’s dispatch from N. Korea is like an audition for DPRK state media
**Written by Doug Powers
After the inauguration of Donald Trump, the New York Times updated its slogan to “The truth is more important now than ever.” That slogan apparently gets suspended if somebody from the paper is in North Korea — at that point, just parrot DPRK propaganda:
New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof on Friday echoed North Korean propaganda that says droves of its citizens are signing up to join the military after President Donald Trump's speech before the United Nations Gen...
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School librarian rejects Melania Trump’s donation of ‘racist propaganda’ (aka Dr. Seuss books)
**Written by Doug Powers
This woman's going to be received as a Resistance hero during the Melvil Dewey Appreciation Society meeting at the next AFSCME convention:
Earlier this month, the first lady sent out collections of 10 Dr. Seuss books to one school in each state to mark National Read a Book Day.
In a letter published on the Horn Book's Family Reading blog, Cambridgeport Elementary School librarian Liz Phipps Soeiro said that her school wasn't in need of the books, which included famous ti...
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Michelle Obama scolds women who weren’t strong & independent enough to vote for who she said
**Written by Doug Powers
Hopefully Democrats keep this up because being condescending worked so well for them in 2016:
“Any woman who voted against Hillary Clinton voted against their own voice,” the former first lady said to a round of applause at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center.
“It doesn't say as much about Hillary, and everybody's trying to worry about what it means for Hillary and no, no, no, what does this mean for us, as women?” she asked. “That we look at those two candidat...
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Safe space scuffle: Fight in Berkeley ‘Empathy Tent’ sends several to irony lockup
**Written by Doug Powers
Attempts to put The Onion out of business are happening on a daily basis now. Here's the latest:
Members of opposing political groups clashed Tuesday inside a so-called “empathy tent” on the campus of the University of California, Berkeley.
At least four people were arrested, police said.
The empathy tent was reportedly in place to offer protesters a calm place to unwind amid the chaos around them. But the tent ultimately offered little respite — and nearly toppled duri...
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NY Times runs another hot take featuring upside to brutal dictatorship
**Written by Doug Powers
We have reached the summit of 2017, thanks to the op-ed section in the New York Times, and already the urge to jump off is overwhelming:
For all its flaws, the Communist revolution taught Chinese women to dream big https://t.co/Fci82iAPxM
— NYT Opinion (@nytopinion) September 26, 2017
Yep, the “Great Leap Forward” left tens of millions dead, but that Mao sure did sock it to the patriarchy!
Forty years after Mao's death, this aspect of his legacy is still understood th...
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Dueling Headlines, ‘NFL priorities’ edition
**Written by Doug Powers
Here are a few NFL-related headlines from the fairly recent past:
And our dueling headlines today also come to us from the NFL. It seems the league doesn't always pretend to be a welcoming beacon for free speech and expression:
The league sure does have its priorities.
(h/t Daily Wire)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Planned Parenthood backs ‘Do No Harm’ campaign but with MAJOR exceptions
**Written by Doug Powers
If you're keeping score at home, Planned Parenthood's self-awareness remains missing and assumed lost forever:
“Do no harm”? Hippocrates unavailable for comment.
Just for irony kicks, this is part of the original version of the Hippocratic Oath:
I will apply dietetic measures for the benefit of the sick according to my ability and judgment; I will keep them from harm and injustice.
I will neither give a deadly drug to anybody who asked for it, nor will I make a suggest...
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Hillary won’t like ex-Clinton adviser’s take about ‘What Happened’ in 2016
**Written by Doug Powers
Is it too late to have Hillary add a chapter to “What Happened”? Of course it is, because the last thing Hillary Clinton wanted in “What Happened” was any explanation about what actually happened coming from a longtime Dem pollster and adviser:
Stan Greenberg, the man who served as the lead pollster for Bill Clinton's 1992 presidential campaign (and Al Gore's 2000 campaign) has written a long essay titled “How She Lost” that slams Clinton (and her campaign) for a series...
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Pittsburgh Steelers ride out National Anthem in the locker room
**Written by Doug Powers
Things have gotten so ridiculous it seems the belief is now that if enough knees are taken during the National Anthem that Hillary Clinton will become president and Trump will be out of office. For one team though, none of it will take place on the field. Instead of putting some players on the spot when it comes to taking a knee (or not) in public, the Pittsburgh Steelers moved it all to the locker room:
As part of a wave of protests throughout the NFL in the wake of Pre...
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Wife of Bill Clinton points out which women are ‘publicly disrespecting themselves’
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton continues her search to find out “What Happened,” but she won't consider the possibility that the answer is “the Dems ran an entitled, delusional candidate with no self-awareness whatsoever”:
Hillary Clinton said Saturday that some women are “publicly disrespecting themselves” in their support of President Trump.
“When I see women doing that, I think why are they publicly disrespecting themselves? Why are they opening the door to have someone say that abo...
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Surprise! Look who was helping Jimmy Kimmel with ‘nonpartisan’ talking points
**Written by Doug Powers
Late-night host Jimmy Kimmel quickly became the face of the entertainment wing of The Resistance to Obamacare repeal recently — specifically as it pertains to the Graham-Cassidy bill. Now that Graham-Cassidy looks to be dead in the water (thanks in part to John McCain, who has many new fans on the Left), more details are surfacing. One MSNBC journo leaned forward far enough to call Kimmel's opposition to Graham-Cassidy “nonpartisan,” but, to paraphrase Bill Clinton, it d...
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DiCaprio supports belief-based test to hold office (Out: Theocracy – In: Leo-cracy)
**Written by Doug Powers
Who's up for another “global warming” science lecture from mega hypocrites with Titanic-sized carbon footprints? Me neither, but sometimes it has to be done:
Actor Leonardo DiCaprio says history will judge President Trump harshly for his inaction on climate change.
Speaking Tuesday at a Yale University climate conference, DiCaprio lashed out at Trump for pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Accord.
“We are going to look back at this point in history, and frankly thi...
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Of course: Celeb obsessed with impeaching Trump launches ‘nonpartisan’ election probe
**Written by Doug Powers
Rob Reiner, who calls for Trump's impeachment at least a dozen times a day not counting the times he blurts it out in his sleep, is spearheading a totally nonpartisan review of Russia's involvement in the 2016 election and won't stop until Hillary's inaugurated:
Big Hollywood names have helped found the Committee to Investigate Russia, a nonprofit aiming to spread information about Russia's role in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and create debate about possible thr...
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Hillary Clinton dubs self ‘Paula Revere’ who warned ‘the Russians are coming!’
**Written by Doug Powers
Listen, my Resistance, and you shall hear
Of the damaged pride of Paula Revere,
On the eighth of November, in darkest sixteen:
Nearly every person on the American scene
Was blamed for events that fateful year.
–First stanza of “Midnight Lied of Paula Revere”
Yep, that's right, Hillary Clinton really said she's “Paula Revere” last night:
Hillary Clinton compared herself to Revolutionary War hero Paul Revere on Tuesday, saying that she is “Paula Revere” sounding the ...
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Jet-set former SoS hails jet-set celeb who ‘walks the walk’ on combating climate change
**Written by Doug Powers
John Kerry hosted a “climate conference” at Yale on Tuesday, and he had high praise for one of the participants, Leonardo DiCaprio:
“Walks the walk” to combat climate change? DiCaprio doesn't really walk the walk as much as he flies the walk and cruises the walk on oil barons' yachts:
Obviously Leo learned from the best:
A US military C-17 transport aircraft that usually carries at least 100 troops flew to Geneva Airport to pick up Secretary of State John Kerry ...
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Show biz meltdown: Bombs away!
Show biz meltdown: Bombs away!
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
The numbers don't lie. Across the entertainment industry, viewers and fans are tuning out. It's no coincidence ratings are cratering as unhinged celebrities crank up their anti-Trump and anti-American antics.
Pro tip, Tinseltownies: Swapping your jazz hands for middle fingers and waving resistance fists at your customer base is bad for business. Let us count the waning ways.
Emmy emetics. Who wanted to see smirkin...
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