**Written by Doug Powers
Did you see President Trump's speech to the U.N. General Assembly? The address was not well-received by many of the gathered bureaucrats, but then again, Trump's no Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or Raul Castro.
Here are three parts that brought out the crickets:
This caused a few nosebleeds in the General Assembly:
He said, “It is a massive source of embarrassment for the United Nations that some governments with egregious human rights records sit on the U.N. Human Rights Counci...
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UC Berkeley profs & grad students petition to make campus home of ‘flee speech’ movement
**Written by Doug Powers
This headline about UC Berkeley from the S.F. Chronicle speaks volumes:
“Free speech”? Everybody RUN!
At UC Berkeley, 177 professors and graduate students have signed an open letter urging thousands of colleagues and classmates to boycott campus for four days this month to ensure their “physical and mental safety.”
The strongly worded letter, titled “Boycott the Alt-Right @UCBerkeley,” asks that students, instructors and employees cancel classes, close buildings and “n...
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Confirmed: Challenging election results *no longer ‘threat to democracy’ (*If a Clinton lost)
**Written by Doug Powers
In October, just a couple weeks before the election, Hillary Clinton was totally convinced she was going to win, and as a result she had implicit trust in the system:
The disclaimer to that is so small you can't see it, but it reads “*Unless I'm the one who lost”:
In an interview with NPR, the former secretary of state — who will speak in Washington on Monday evening as part of her nationwide book tour — would not rule out formally contesting the results of the electio...
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Kim Jong-un’s propagandists might advise Hillary devotional website to dial it down a notch
**Written by Doug Powers
If you've not yet heard about the pro-Clinton uber-propaganda website Verrit, here's a brief description:
Verrit is a political site created by Peter Daou[1] and Leela Daou[2] that shows talking points for use in social media discussions.
The website's slogan says it is “media for the 65.8 million,” referring to the number of votes Hillary Clinton won in the 2016 presidential election. Daou, an adviser to Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, and prior chief executive of...
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Dem Rep downgrades ‘Russia hacked the election’ claim… again
**Written by Doug Powers
After Hillary Clinton lost, Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff of California was among Dems embracing the “Russia hacked the election” narrative and helping spread it like fertilizer on Hillary's crop of excuses. And we all know what Schiff wanted everybody to believe when he said “hacked the election” back in March:
Fast forward to this morning and Schiff's appearance on This Week with George Stephonopo… Stephinoppil… the guy who used to be Bill Clinton's communications advise...
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Promoting ‘What Happened,’ Hillary makes it clear she wasn’t very curious what happened
**Written by Doug Powers
I know Hillary thinks she's artfully dismissing the issue of her husband meeting with Loretta Lynch on an airport tarmac, but this speaks volumes:
“I didn't hear about it for days because it was so inconsequential to both of them. And when I did, I didn't think much of it. It was a rationalization that was used to be able to do what he [Comey] did.
It's really funny to watch a former candidate pitching a book called “What Happened” claim to have not been curious abou...
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Shot: The Wall was finally constructed — Chaser: At UC Berkeley
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday, construction began on “The Wall” — well, sort of — and it wasn't along the US/Mexico border. Plot twist:
#UCBerkeley installing concrete k-rail barrier around Zellerbach. Expecting protests against @benshapiro speech tonight. @nbcbayarea pic.twitter.com/55zuAEikFs
— Bob Redell (@BobNBC) September 14, 2017
And that was just for Ben Shapiro's appearance at UC Berkeley. Security was very tight so as to ensure that nobody exercising First Amendment rights got t...
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Bernie vs. Bernie: Single-payer utopia then & now
**Written by Doug Powers
Time for another episode of “Socialism Vision” vs. “Socialism Reality,” this time courtesy of the same socialist (with an assist from some like-minded Dems).
The wind-up:
I'm very proud to be introducing the Medicare for All Act today, which has 15 co-sponsors in the Senate, a record level of support. pic.twitter.com/26GimpDJoC
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) September 13, 2017
And the pitch:
A video from 1987 shows Sen. Bernie Sanders (I., Vt.) has not always considere...
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Hillary Clinton: OK, scrap the Electoral College & maybe I’ll take another crack at it
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton's book tour has just started and it already could serve as the catalyst for a sequel to What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, with Hillary playing the roles of both Blanche and Jane. Add “Electoral College” to a list of blame that's now longer than Jamyang Dorjee Chakrishar's ...
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How romantic: Planned Parenthood gets into the online dating site biz
**Written by Doug Powers
I don't know about you, but I'm sensing that the foundation's just been poured for one of Hollywood's most progressive Rom-Coms ever:
One of the most popular dating sites has introduced a new way to filter out anti-abortion rights users.
Starting on Wednesday, OkCupid users who have answered “No” to the question “Should the government defund Planned Parenthood?” will be awarded a badge that reads ”#IStandWithPP.” The badge will be prominently displayed on the user's prof...
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Never forget: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes
Never forget: Muslim hate crimes hoaxes
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Another year. Another Sept. 11 anniversary. Another opportunity for grievance-mongering Muslim agitators to decry the imagined “epidemic” of “Islamophobia.”
South Asian Americans Leading Together (SAALT) convened with Mad Maxine Waters and other House Democrats in Washington, D.C., to mark a somber occasion this week. No, not the coordinated jihadi mass murder of nearly 3,000 innocent people of all races,...
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Of course: Jet-set celebs use hurricane relief telethon to sound global warming alarm
**Written by Doug Powers
The hypocrisy on parade among some of the celeb participants in a hurricane relief telethon was perhaps record-setting. It opened this way:
Mere seconds into the celebrity-filled benefit concert for victims of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma did these stars turn the ostensible charitable event into a platform for left-wing sermonizing.
Stevie Wonder, who kicked off the show, began with call for unity, but then turned to mock anyone who questioned the global warming theory.
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Epic self-awareness fail: Look who Hillary complained to about ‘propaganda’ pushers
**Written by Doug Powers
If the Democrats delude themselves as much as Hillary Clinton has been forced to do in order to avoid admitting the real reason(s) she lost, they're going to be in the minority for a long time. I'll get to the supreme irony of this in just a second:
“In this particular election, it was aided and abetted by the Russians and the role that Facebook and other platforms played,” she said.
“We are late to that,” she continued, appearing to refer to Democrats. “We did not un...
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Schatz-Care? Because the ACA’s working GREAT, Senate progs push single-payer proposal
**Written by Doug Powers
Many Senate Democrats, joined by a certain anti-capitalist greed socialist with three homes, have begun pushing for the inevitable next step in what Obamacare was ultimately designed to become:
Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Jeff Merkley of Oregon are the latest Democratic 2020 presidential prospects to announce their support for Sen. Bernie Sanders' single-payer health care proposal.
Sanders is set to introduce his legislation, which Democrats are calling “Medicare...
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Is there room under Hillary Clinton’s blame bus for Alexander Hamilton?
**Written by Doug Powers
If you're keeping score at home, update your list of Hillary Clinton's election loss scapegoats to include Alexander Hamilton:
“I go back over my own shortcomings and the mistakes we made,” Clinton writes, according to early excerpts of the book. “I take responsibility for all of them.”
But, she adds, “I wasn't just running against Donald Trump. I was up against the Russian intelligence apparatus, a misguided FBI director, and now the godforsaken Electoral College.”
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Newsweek hails Al Gore for predicting eventual-but-inevitable powerful hurricane
**Written by Doug Powers
Call him NastraDUHmus.
Al Gore's “Inconvenient Truth” was released eleven years ago. In the movie, the Goracle predicted man-made climate change would cause hurricane to increase in both frequency and intensity. Until late this summer, since that movie's release, ZERO powerful hurricanes (cat 3 or higher) made U.S. landfall. But now that there have been a couple catastrophic hurricanes, the alarmists are back in business:
They're reduced to praising Al Gore as some s...
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Network newscasts are all over Dem senator’s corruption trial (JUST KIDDING)
**Written by Doug Powers
You'd think a sitting U.S. senator on trial for corruption would be big news for the networks, and it probably would be if the sitting U.S. senator in question didn't have that “D” after his name, which apparently stands for “Don't go there:
Wednesday was the first day of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez's federal trial for bribery, but you would barely know it was occurring if you were only getting your news from the liberal Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC). CBS Ne...
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Berkeley to allow speech by conservative (trauma counselors WILL be available!)
**Written by Doug Powers
The new UC Berkeley chancellor is surprisingly still the UC Berkeley chancellor even after saying it would be a “free speech year” on campus and telling students part of the school's job was to prepare them for the real world. All that's being put to the test now that admins are prepping campus progs for an invasion of the un-like-minded:
In advance of talk show host Ben Shapiro's appearance next Thursday, Sept. 14, at UC Berkeley, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost ...
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Time for another episode of ‘Where in the World is Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s Laptop?’
**Written by Doug Powers
Debbie Wasserman Schultz's laptop computer travels are shaping up to make Paul Theroux look like a hermit. First some quick background…
Earlier this summer, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the Capitol Police for not returning her laptop quickly. It had been confiscated during the investigation of Imran Awan, who was an IT aide to DWS and has since been arrested and charged with bank fraud. Wasserman Schultz told the Capitol Police Chief that there w...
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SHOCKER: Look what suddenly made Planned Parenthood worried about every person’s ‘right to live…’
**Written by Doug Powers
Hey look, Planned Parenthood's troubled by the possible rescinding of DACA for reasons you've probably already guessed:
Cecile Richards is upset that Trump ended DACA because the Planned Parenthood abortion business will get fewer customers as a result. She says she is “heartbroken” by the decision.
“The Trump administration just announced a plan to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) — an attack that will leave 800,000 young people who have grown up in...
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