There is no such thing as a “deserving DREAMer”
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Over and over again, from the mouths of politicians in both parties, identity politics purveyors and cheap labor lobbyists, we hear the same refrains about President Obama's 800,000 amnestied illegal alien youths:
“They don't deserve to be punished.”
“They deserve protection.”
“They deserve the American dream.”
Deserve, deserve, deserve.
Over and over again, in countless cookie-cutter op-ed pieces...
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Out: Sanctuary cities — In: Sanctuary tech corporations?
**Written by Doug Powers
It looks like Microsoft has built a plan to Resist™ Trump rescinding Obama's executive action on DACA, at least until it does a Windows 10 impression and crashes:
Microsoft responded strongly to the Trump administration's decision on Tuesday to move toward rescinding or replacing DACA within six months.
“There is nothing that we will be pushing on more strongly for congress to act on,” Microsoft president and chief legal officer Brad Smith said in an interview with NPR. ...
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AWW: Sen. Menendez’s lawyers ask judge to remind bribery trial jury that ‘senators are people too’
**Written by Doug Powers
The bribery trial for N.J. Sen. Bob Menendez begins tomorrow, and his legal team would like the judge to remind the jury before things get rolling that, just because something might look like bribery, that doesn't necessarily mean it's actually bribery (h/t @Kerpen):
Attorneys for Menendez and co-defendant Salomon Melgen on Friday proposed a 144-page set of jury instructions that prosecutors claim is “filled with erroneous statements of law.”
The instructions begin with ...
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Is there a DACA in the House? The perils of Pen & Phone decrees exposed again
**Written by Doug Powers
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced this morning that the DACA program, enacted by Obama via executive action in 2012, is being rescinded with time built in before it ends for Congress to debate the issue and possibly pass legislation:
Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced Tuesday that the Trump administration will end an Obama-era program allowing young people who came to the country illegally as children to live here free from fear of deportation will end in si...
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2020 or bust: Let MSM’s attempt to connect Elizabeth Warren with middle America commence!
**Written by Doug Powers
Somebody at the Boston Globe is lobbying hard for a major campaign role in a certain progressive's 2020 presidential run. Middle America, here she comes:
If Warren throws her headdress into the 2020 ring, brace for a bitter clinger outreach like no other:
Warren is well known for her acrid take on Wall Street money power, on the Trump presidency, and on all the forces in American life that, in her view, deny equal opportunity to all. Much less well known is Warren's re...
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Helpful NYC mayor saves investigators time, clears self of wrongdoing
**Written by Doug Powers
Just how pro-law enforcement is NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio? SO pro-law enforcement that he assists with their investigations to save them some time:
Call off the investigation!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Of course: PP, NARAL cheer judge’s block of ‘dismemberment abortion’ ban
**Written by Doug Powers
A new Texas law barring “dismemberment abortions” has been temporarily blocked by a judge who obviously was never a victim of that particular glorious example of “freedom of choice”:
U.S. District Judge Lee Yeakel issued a temporary injunction Thursday against a law, recently signed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott, banning some “dilation and evacuation” second trimester abortions. The law would've taken effect Friday.
The legislation specifically prohibited the performance...
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Headlines that never die: ‘You can buy access to Hillary Clinton’
**Written by Doug Powers
If you want to have direct access to Hillary Clinton, you'll still have to pay. I only wanted to point this out because in times of trouble and turmoil it's nice to be reminded that, even though the world is changing rapidly, there are still some things that remain totally unaffected:
Those seeking access to Hillary Clinton during her fall book tour should be prepared to fork over some serious cash because VIP tickets for the events come with a steep asking price.
The fo...
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Politico, cartoonist make generous in-kind donation to Trump re-election campaign
**Written by Doug Powers
The line between “provocative” and “outright douchey” was crossed again yesterday, and rumor has it the backfire could be heard as far away as the International Space Station:
Politico deleted a tweet on Wednesday with a cartoon showing a victim of Hurricane Harvey being rescued by a federal emergency responder.
Drawn by Matt Wuerker, a Pulitzer Prize-winning cartoonist, the cartoon shows a person in a Confederate flag shirt being rescued from a flooded house with a sece...
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Judge helps NY Times coin a much better slogan
**Written by Doug Powers
OUT as the New York Times slogan: “The truth is more important now than ever.”
IN: “Mistakes will be made”:
The New York Times has prevailed in defense of a defamation lawsuit brought by Sarah Palin over an editorial that mistakenly linked one of her political action committee ads to a 2011 mass shooting that severely wounded then-Arizona Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.
U.S. District Court Judge Jed Rakoff dismissed the complaint on Tuesday.
“Nowhere is political journalis...
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Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y’s Misogynist-in-Chief
Keith Ogre-mann: Conde Nast-y's Misogynist-in-Chief
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Once a woman-hating blowhard, always a woman-hating blowhard.
Keith Olbermann, the “new” face of the Democratic resistance on Conde Nast's digital video platform, is the same old foul-mouthed beast he was on cable TV.
Over the weekend, the former MSNBC frother went berserk over Trump Education Secretary Betsy DeVos's anodyne call for prayers “for all those in the path of #HurricaneHarvey” and ...
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Texas/GOP-hating Prof’s karma runs over own dogma
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, those comments backfired big time:
A visiting assistant professor at the University of Tampa was fired Tuesday after describing the destruction from Hurricane Harvey as “instant karma” for Texans who voted Republican last year, the school said.
Kenneth Storey, whose LinkedIn profile says he lives in Winter Park and who also teaches at Hillsborough Community College, ignited online outrage Sunday, amid reports of the destruction in Houston.
“I dont believe in instan...
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Dem senator suggests better way to ‘fund disasters’ (what could go wrong?)
**Written by Doug Powers
Now that the Senate's debating legislation to help fund rescue and disaster recovery efforts in Texas, the MSM, Dems (and at least one Republican) have been critical of Texas Sens. Ted Cruz and John Cornyn's 2012 vote against a Superstorm Sandy relief package. What they're not pointing out is that the issue was with unrelated pork added to the bill and not enough money was in the form of direct aid.
Democrat U.S. senator from Connecticut, Chris Murphy, wants to cut thro...
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Just in time! Hillary Clinton to introduce herself to Wisconsin
**Written by Doug Powers
If Hillary Clinton somehow manages to win the Dem nomination again in 2020, the DNC now knows what they have to do: Tell her it's a book tour:
Hillary Clinton's book tour will take her to several states she lost on Election Day.
Clinton will make a stop in Wisconsin on Nov. 9, one year and one day after she lost to President Trump. She was often criticized for not campaigning in Wisconsin during the presidential election.
The former secretary of state will also visit Fl...
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Nancy Pelosi’s 1st Amendment class in IN SESSION (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday is upon us, and with it another open thread for whatever's on your mind. First of all thoughts and prayers are with everybody in the areas affected by catastrophic flooding in Texas. Stay safe!
Among the few starter stories, lets kick it off with a lesson in the limits of the First Amendment, courtesy of America's leading constitutional scholar, Nancy Pelosi:
When the interviewer, Pam Moore, pressed Pelosi to consider Patriot Prayer's First Amendment right...
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Sen. Menendez’s corruption trial request gets the shredding it deserves
**Written by Doug Powers
Senator Bob Menendez's corruption trial starts in a couple of weeks, and his legal team has requested that this particular potential swamp draining be put on hold on certain days so Menendez can attend Senate votes. The response from federal prosecutors is a solid gold old-school ass kicking. Here's a portion (via Phil Kerpen):
After being indicte...
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ACLU laments promoting white supremacy by showing little kid with US flag
**Written by Doug Powers
The ACLU, which has been under fire recently for defending free speech for everybody, temporarily spotted a future they wanted for America:
This is the future that ACLU members want.
— ACLU National (@ACLU) August 23, 2017
What could possibly go wrong?
A White kid with a flag?!
— Nyasha Junior (@NyashaJunior) August 23, 2017
— Steven Thrasher (@thrasherxy) August 23, 2017
So check that, it's NOT the future the ...
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Anti-Trump movement enters acrostic phase of Resistance
**Written by Doug Powers
“UC Berkeley professor” and “Trump administration” were never destined to be love connections, but one triggered State Dept. science envoy added a flair of cryptic Resistance to his resignation letter:
A University of California-Berkeley energy professor resigned Wednesday from his position as a State Department science envoy, blasting President Donald Trump for recent comments on white supremacist violence in Charlottesville.
The professor, Daniel Kammen, included a les...
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Hillary describes how she could have been a contender but for the ‘creep’
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton's first book excerpt proves that she's going to take personal responsibility for her loss — Just kidding! She's got more victim cards and she ain't afraid to use them:
Hillary Clinton says her skin crawled as Donald Trump loomed behind her during the second presidential debate. In an excerpt from her new book “What Happened,” the former Democratic Party nominee admits she's not sure she handled Trump properly.
“Do you stay calm, keep smiling and carry on ...
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The Red York Times: First in Fake News
The Red York Times: First in Fake News
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Newsflash from The New York Times: Women may have starved under socialist regimes, but their orgasms were out of this world!
That's the creepy gist of one of the Grey Lady's recent essays this summer hailing the “Red Century.” The paper's ongoing series explores “the history and legacy of Communism, 100 years after the Russian Revolution.” When its essayists aren't busy championing the great sex that oppr...
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