**Written by Doug Powers
You're finished, Trump — finished! Mwa-ha-ha:
Nothing like an ethics slam coming from Maxine Waters! She's good at tossing out red meat for the Dem base to devour, but not so good at math when it comes to the party makeup of Congress in the aftermath of the Obama era.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Fear not, because Dianne Feinstein will determine if Gorsuch is a ‘reasonable’ conservative judge or witch burning ‘originalist’
**Written by Doug Powers
The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Neil Gorsuch began today, and Sen. Dianne Feinstein is troubled by the SCOTUS nominee's reputation as an “originalist,” partly because of all the witch burning don't-cha-know:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) offered her interpretation of the Constitution at Monday's Senate Judiciary Committee hearing for Trump's nominee to the Supreme Court, Neil Gorsuch. In her opening remarks, the Democratic senator said she was deeply troubled ...
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Donna Brazile admits tipping off Hillary campaign, but the Russians made her do it (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Sunday open thread, March Madness edition, is hereby convened. While I spend the rest of the day picking up the pieces of my shattered brackets, a few passing observations to tip things off…
Any past claims that Donna Brazile has made regarding Russian interference in the U.S. election process can officially be stamped and filed under “Projection”:
Former interim Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile admitted Friday that she forwarded Democratic primary town...
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Debt Queen Nancy Pelosi concerned Trump budget proposal would result in ‘disaster’ across America
**Written by Doug Powers
The wind-up:
And the pitch:
Nancy should know all about “disaster”:
Pelosi was the 52nd speaker of the House. During her tenure, she amassed more debt than the first 49 speakers combined.
The fact that Pelosi wants everybody to think a $1.1 trillion budget proposal is a draconian austerity proposal speaks volumes about what's actually been a “disaster” for the U.S. the last several years.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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L.A. Times’ pitch to save National Endowment for the Arts funding might not be a big sell in red states
**Written by Doug Powers
They report this like it's some sort of a threat:
By “we” the Times means “Democrats”:
I might support continued funding for this particular play as long as the producer agreed to change the title to “Godfather of the Electoral College.”
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Lean Floor-ward: 4 million viewers watched Rachel Maddow step on a Trump rake Wednesday night
**Written by Doug Powers
This is a progressive classic: MSNBC's lead Resistor™ who breathlessly hyped the backfired Trump scoop blames viewers for expecting too much:
Rachel Maddow says that if people felt let down by her story about President Donald Trump's 2005 tax document it's more because of the weight of expectation than anything she did.
The MSNBC host found herself in the odd position Wednesday of defending herself from criticism following one of the biggest-ever scoops for her show. Mad...
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AP Climate Desk: Global warming could really screw up the Kentucky Derby, or something
**Written by Doug Powers
The Associated Press sums up one possible future following a global warming apocalypse:
In a million years, there just might have to be a litter box on turn three at Churchill Downs.
A warming climate could play Shrinky Dinks with certain mammals, at least according to this AP report:
Global warming shrank certain animals in the ancient past, and scientists think it could happen again.
Warm-blooded animals got smaller at least twice in Earth's history when carbon dio...
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The dirty Dem dogs of disruption
The dirty Dem dogs of disruption
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Here come the hyper-partisan hounds.
A new nonprofit called American Oversight launched this week to combat President Trump's “culture of impunity.” The outfit declared itself “nonpartisan” and claims its crusaders will fight for a “transparent and ethical government.”
But like Waylon Jennings once crooned, “Baby, that dog won't hunt.”
These Democrat operatives aren't interested in accountability. Their mission ...
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MSNBC’s big scoop on Trump’s taxes backfires yugely
**Written by Doug Powers
With a tweet Tuesday evening, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow got the lefty media & Dem flacks salivating so much you'd have thought they all just got another invitation to dinner at John Podesta's:
And then, depression set in:
One of the most closely guarded secrets in politics — Donald Trump's income taxes — became a little bit less mysterious late Tuesday as prize-winning journalist David Cay Johnston and MSNBC published a partial copy of the president's 2005 federal fili...
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Laugh of the day: Former Obama staffers launch ‘nonpartisan’ Trump watchdog group
**Written by Doug Powers
Rest easy, America, because the “watchdogs” are now on the job:
Former Obama administration staffers have launched an organization to closely monitor President Donald Trump and his administration.
Known as American Oversight, the group will search for anything that seems amiss, whether it touches on ethics or fraud, among other potential problems, the group's executive director, Austin Evers, told Fox News.
“We are conducting oversight because Congress won't,” said Evers...
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CNN’s snowstorm coverage makes major play for Edward R. Murrow award
**Written by Doug Powers
In parts of the eastern U.S. the snow is falling, and in many areas ended up being less than the snowpocalypse that had been forecast. However, CNN's still all over it, starting with live video of a reporter out driving around Jersey:
Wow, I hope that crew gets hazard pay for risking life and limb to bring America the harsh realities of Hellstorm Beelzebub. I'm pretty sure my drive to the coffee shop this morning was more harrowing.
Just how bad was the storm? CNN cove...
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Obamacare salesweasel Jonathan Gruber sets a new projection record
**Written by Doug Powers
This just in from the “It Takes One to Know One” bureau located about two-thirds of the way between a certain economic professor's office at MIT and the gates of Hell: Jonathan Gruber has weighed in on the insurance debate…
MIT economics professor and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber said that any healthcare replacement law the GOP has in store is a “scam.”
“Any replace[ment] that they would pass would result in millions of Americans losing health insurance, would res...
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Nancy Pelosi tries to make Republicans regret Hillary’s loss; Trump offers The Resistance™ a new hero (Sunday open thread)
And then suddenly there was a great weeping on the Left:
Maybe Dems can change that part of the Constitution while they're trying to get rid of the Electoral College.
Some in the media are implying that Trump & Attorney General Jeff Sessions firing dozens of Obama-era U.S. attorneys in somehow unprecedented, but they should tell that to Sessions, who was canned by Bill Clinton's AG in the early 90s:
Bill Clinton fired 93 U.S. attorneys, not that the MSM's bending over backwards ...
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Washington Post refers to Planned Parenthood as ‘nonpartisan’ (which is as ridiculous as calling the WaPo ‘objective’)
**Written by Doug Powers
In an attempt to explain parts of the GOP's Obamacare replacement plan, the Washington Post offered this summary of Planned Parenthood:
3) It would also defund Planned Parenthood. The nonpartisan health care clinic, which also performs abortions, has been in conservatives' crosshairs for more than a year now.
Obviously, it depends on what your definition of “nonpartisan” is:
Planned Parenthood & Democrats: Bipartisan Together!
Over at the Washington Post, d...
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Nancy Pelosi invites another lightning strike, Zeus too busy laughing to deliver
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's Nancy Pelosi on the Dems ramming through the Affordable Care Act a few years ago:
Fast forward to 2017, and Pelosi sure has changed her tune:
Dear Speaker Ryan,
This week, the Committees on Energy & Commerce and Ways & Means will be marking up Republicans' long-feared bill to dismantle affordable health care. The GOP legislation will have life or death consequences for tens of millions of families across America, and extraordinary impacts on state and f...
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Go figure: Obama reportedly concerned Trump will kick people off their health insurance
Up next: Obama to express grave concern that the Trump administration will use the IRS to target political opponents.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter **Written by Doug Powers
This is just an NBC News quote from a “source” but it's so packed with quintessential Obama self-unawareness that it's difficult to doubt the authenticity:
The source told NBC News the former president “is much more concerned by President Trump kicking people off their health insurance, not staffing the government, no...
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Hillary Clinton urges supporters to stand up and Resist™ — Not requested: ‘Learn about how the Electoral College works’
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton is urging all her supporters everywhere — even in that Midwestern state that starts with a “W” that she can't quite think of at the moment — to join The Resistance:
Hillary Clinton encouraged women to keep fighting the good fight in a Snapchat video Wednesday.
Sporting a red top and a brand new bob, Clinton told women to, ‘Stand up. Resist. Run for office. Be a champion.'
The International Women's Day message declared ‘every issue a woman's issue,' althou...
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2017 Lincoln Day Dinner
Expecting a Sell-Out Crowd!
-First Come First Serve on Reservations-
Lincoln Day Dinner
March 23, 2017
With Keynote Speaker:
Fox News' Judge Jeanine Pirro
Timberlane's Banquet Center
544 E. Pershing St.
Salem, OH 44460
$35/person ~ Banquet at Timberlanes (Dinner Only)
6:30 PM (cash bar open)
7:00 PM Dinner
~Private Reception~
Sebo Residen...
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Before proceeding, take everything you thought you knew about biology and throw it out the window
**Written by Doug Powers
What's wrong with this picture?
I don't want to hear any lectures about “science” from these people ever again.
I'm now off to ponder the horrifying possibility that there's only a 50-percent chance that my biological mother was the person who gave birth to me.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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For SOME reason this part of Matt Lauer’s interview with George W. Bush wasn’t promoted heavily
**Written by Doug Powers
NBC News and Matt Lauer made quite a splash with their interview George W. Bush interview last week, and the ex-president even temporarily won over some liberals by defending the mainstream media against Donald Trump's criticism, among other things. A lot of clips from the interview have been played, but the best was one that NBC News didn't find worthy of too much focus:
“I think you have to take the man for his word that he wants to unify the country, and we'll see whe...
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