**Written by Doug Powers
The Democrats' Plans A & B for saving Obamacare, which were “get celebrities to tell everybody it's awesome” and “nominate Hillary,” didn't go so well, so it's on to the next scheme — whatever that might be:
President Barack Obama will head to Capitol Hill Wednesday to meet with congressional Democrats about how to shield Obamacare from Republican efforts to dismantle it, a Capitol Hill source told POLITICO.
The meeting is at 9 a.m. in the Congressional Visitors Cen...
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Obama reluctantly answers post-election phone call from the 80s, decides Cold War might not be over
**Written by Doug Powers
Not all that long ago, President Obama was openly mocking Mitt Romney:
But that was months ago — 50 to be exact. At that time there were still four years to go before the loss of the Democrat nominee who presented Russia with a piece of relationship reset symbolism that somehow turned out to be a giant “log in” button for John Podesta's email account.
Now, with his second term almost over, Obama's decided to take action on Russia:
The Obama administration struck back ...
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Just imagine the cost of Obama’s vacations if he hadn’t been sharing the sacrifice
**Written by Doug Powers
Remember this?
That was back when Obama warned American about the coming belt-tightening just days before taking office in January of 2009:
Here we are, after eight years of leading by example:
I'd hate to see how big that number would have been if Obama hadn't shared in the sacrifice!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Hawaii restaurant owner now willing to ‘be humans together’ with customers who voted for Trump
**Written by Doug Powers
When I first read this story a couple days ago I thought, “Wow, here's a Hawaii business owner who will do anything to try and get Obama to visit while he's on vacation”:
So I guess asking him to be a last-minute replacement for any Rockettes who don't want to perform at the inauguration is out of the question.
However, the restaurant's owner now says that Trump voters can eat there. As it turns out he's not that passionate about the election because he didn't even vo...
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Thank you, Professor Sowell
Thank you, Professor Sowell
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
I first read Thomas Sowell in college — no thanks to my college.
At the majority of America's institutions of “higher learning,” reading Thomas Sowell was a subversive act in the early 1990s when I was a student. It remains so today. Why? Because the prolific libertarian economist's vast body of work is a clarion rejection of all the liberal intelligentsia hold dear.
Among the left's most corrosive ideas is the conce...
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John Kerry will outline plan for Middle East peace after 7 years, 11 months of careful Obama admin consideration
**Written by Doug Powers
After over seven years and eleven months, the Obama administration is having a Middle East epiphany just after tossing a match on Israel at the United Nations last week:
Secretary of State John Kerry will deliver a speech Wednesday on the Obama administration's vision for Middle East peace, State Department spokesman Mark Toner said.
The speech at the State Department comes as the relationship between the US and Israel frays following the Obama administration's controver...
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Go with this: Rep. Maxine Waters says Dems’ problem is that they’re too ‘nice’ (cut to video of Paul Ryan pushing grandma off a cliff)
**Written by Doug Powers
When you heard some Democrats blame the NRA for terrorist attacks, liken Republicans to ISIS or link Mitt Romney to a woman's cancer death, naturally the first thought that went through your mind was “the Dems need to stop being so damn nice!”
Congresswoman Maxine Waters said on MSNBC today that one of the problems her party has is that they tend to be too “nice.”
She told Jacob Soboroff, “That has been a problem in my party, that when we're in power we're nice. We bend ...
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Josh Earnest swings for hilarity fences: Obama doesn’t get enough credit for having most transparent admin in history
**Written by Doug Powers
The Obama White House has been “transparent” alright, just not in the way Josh Earnest wants everybody to believe:
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest expressed annoyance that President Obama doesn't get enough credit for being the “most transparent” president in history.
When asked by CNN's Brian Stelter on Sunday about journalists' complaints that the federal government isn't efficient at answering FOIA requests, Earnest said they've made progress with the reques...
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For unto Us a Child is born
The Mystical Nativity – Botticcelli
For unto Us a Child is born
Unto Us a Son is given
And the government shall be upon His shoulder
And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor,
The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.
– Isaiah 9:6
Merry Christmas from my family to yours. May it be filled with love and joy.
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Obama 2015: Our commitment to Israel is ‘unshakable’ — Obama 2016: Time to shake things up a bit
**Written by Doug Powers
The wind-up, from 2015:
And the pitch, on Friday:
The White House's decision to break with decades of U.S. policy and allow the U.N. Security Council to condemn Israeli settlements is the culmination of years of bad blood between President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The decision won Obama criticism from across the political spectrum, and almost certainly wouldn't have been made if Hillary Clinton had won the presidential election.
It opened h...
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Stature-Gate: Politico’s really swinging for the Pulitzer fences with this Trump bombshell
**Written by Doug Powers
Step aside, Woodward & Bernstein! This could be the scoop that takes down the Trump presidency before it even starts:
Trump's said he's 6'3″ but his drivers license says he's 6'2″. This has Putin written all over it!
Learn more in the upcoming true-life thriller “All the President's DMV Info.”
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Riiight: Joe Biden doesn’t think Hillary knew WHY she was running for president
**Written by Doug Powers
Joe Biden can be funny, but he's decided to wait until his VP tenure is almost over to break out his best material:
Vice President Biden believes Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election in part because she never figured why she was running for the nation's highest office.
“I don't think she ever really figured it out,” Biden told the Los Angeles Times in an interview published Thursday. “And by the way, I think it was really hard for her to decide to run.”
As ev...
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Hey, maybe this is why the Obama admin can’t find any ‘scientists’ who disagree with them on global warming
**Written by Doug Powers
You know how President Obama always talks about the overwhelming number of “scientists” who believe man-made global warming is a grave threat to life as we know it? That “overwhelming” number is in part due to the fact that the alarmists don't allow anybody around who might make the tally underwhelming. Case in point:
A new congressional investigation has determined that the Obama administration fired a top scientist and intimidated staff at the Department of Energy in ...
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Michelle Obama’s Christmas lump of coal
Michelle Obama's Christmas lump of coal
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Just what we all need to ring in the Christmas season: Un-merry millionaire Michelle Obama belly-aching about the burdens and sacrifices of public life with billionaire Oprah Winfrey.
“There's nowhere in the world I can go and sit and have a cup of coffee,” Obama lamented. It's a frequent grievance. In September, she told InStyle magazine: “My hopes are to recapture some of the everydayness, some anonymit...
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Sea of Hypocrisy: After advising incoming prez not to overdo decrees, Obama admin brags about Trump-proof decree
**Written by Doug Powers
President Obama and his admin seem to think they've found the perfect executive order. Just a month before leaving office, Obama's put yellow “do not cross” tape around vast swaths of ocean:
President Obama moved to solidify his environmental legacy Tuesday by withdrawing hundreds of millions of acres of federally owned land in the Arctic and Atlantic Ocean from new offshore oil and gas drilling.
Obama used a little-known law called the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act ...
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Next level lunacy: Electoral College now existential threat to entire planet (like, worse than air conditioning!)
**Written by Doug Powers
The predictable next step has been taken:
Learn more about it all in the upcoming film, “Armageddon II: Electoral College Doomsday.” Al Gore's cameo as a Hamilton Elector will alone be worth the price of whatever it takes to avoid seeing the film.
Obviously many more “The Electoral College is Thwarting Our Ability to ______” articles are in the works: “Fund Women's Healthcare”; “Strengthen Social Security”; “Blame ISIS Attacks on the NRA and Refrigeration” — the progre...
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Robert Reich excited about idea for alternate reality inauguration day celebration
**Written by Doug Powers
Count Robert Reich among those who are up for taking their denial to the next level with this inauguration day alternative:
A cavalcade of liberal celebrities sure did the trick the last time, so why not try it again!
There's now a petition for an inauguration day “Freedom Concert.” Here's the unofficial logo:
The concert would of course be held in a venue known as The Bubble:
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Perfect: Protester tells Wisconsin electors they ‘don’t deserve to be in America’ for adhering to Founders’ system
**Written by Doug Powers
On Monday, the Electoral College confirmed that Donald Trump has been elected president. There were a lot of protests, but these people in Wisconsin, led by a pissed-prog-in-purple, were among the more triggered:
Now there's somebody who would gladly build a wall to keep out Republican electors, while totally NOT getting the irony.
As far as the elector “defection” rate goes in Monday's Electoral College vote, George Soros' protest/agigation cost-to-benefit ratio was ...
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The Pen & Phone Apprentice? In apparent effort to finish off his party once and for all, Obama will help develop Dem talent
And then there's everything that Obama's leadership has done for to Democrats **Written by Doug Powers
This story probably already has some young, intrepid Hollywood lefty heading to the drawing board to develop the next reality show, “The Pen & Phone Apprentice”:
President Obama said in an interview broadcast Monday that he wants to build up the Democratic Party by helping to develop a “whole new generation of talent” after he leaves the White House.
“There are such incredible young peopl...
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NYT’s Paul Krugman ponders Trump having incentive to invite another 9/11, or something (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Here we go… another Sunday open thread with a few items to get things moving. But first, a health warning: The opening story is about Paul Krugman, so anybody with a nut allergy might be wise to skip it.
I don't consider these two New York Times-related items completely unconnected:
Exhibit A:
Ah, so the President-Elect might already be wishing for a horrible terrorist attack to “legitimize” an election that's already legitimate? It's the kind of thing only the author...
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