**Written by Doug Powers
The wind-up, from about one year ago featuring a proud New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo:
And the pitch, this week:
Stories like this won't become far more prevalent everywhere in part due to the “Fight for $15 or preferably a lot more” crowd, will they? NAH!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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EPA bureaucrats’ fitness to battle climate change takes another hit as Scott Pruitt axes redundant gym memberships
**Written by Doug Powers
We'll have to wait and see how the MSM spins this into a “Mother Earth hardest hit” kind of a story, but I'm sure they'll find a way:
Pruitt was on “Fox and Friends,” where he was asked about documents released Wednesday that show EPA employees spent more than $15,000 on gym memberships outside of the free services they were already being given.
“Well, the gym memberships ended yesterday, it was quite something to hear about that,” Pruitt said. He said the agency is inve...
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A few reactions to MOAB being dropped that might make you want to go off the grid and start an Alapaca farm
**Written by Doug Powers
The “Massive Ordnance Air Blast” bomb being dropped on ISIS caves Afghanistan caused a tear in the space-time continuum on Thursday, which sent the universe tumbling to a violent end. At least that's what it seemed like from reading some outlets.
Here are five scorching hot takes I ran across after news of the MOAB hit the wires, and this list is not comprehensive:
1) USA Today was desperately trying to link the MOAB with the Hiroshima bomb:
That graphic's pretty scary...
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Not the Onion: ‘Researchers’ find reason to dislike babies
**Written by Doug Powers
Take a deep breath, and proceed:
Have you ever looked at a baby and just admired the pure innocence of human life in its earliest stages? Well knock it off because that kid might already hate you!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Animal magnitude: Mexican study concludes Trump’s border plan would be catastrophic for wildlife
**Written by Doug Powers
In case the open borders crowd feels they're losing the argument, they can now turn discussion about the “wall” into an “animal rights” debate:
A study by Mexico's top university has revealed that at least 800 species of wildlife will be adversely affected by President Trump's planned 2,000-mile border wall with Mexico.
Research published by ecologists from the Mexican National Autonomous University has shown that an impassable physical barrier placed into ecosystems inh...
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Who’s unsafe on campus?
Who's unsafe on campus?
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Springtime may be in bloom, but snowflakes never go out of season at America's most prestigious colleges and universities.
Quivering students at the University of Notre Dame launched a protest last week against the school's decision to invite Vice President Mike Pence as commencement speaker. Activist Imanne Mondane told the campus newspaper that she and her peers felt “unsafe” and threatened by “someone who openly is of...
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Suck it, Electoral College! Planned Parenthood proclaims Hillary Clinton a ‘Champion of the Century’
**Written by Doug Powers
During the last election cycle, Planned Parenthood dropped tens of millions of dollars in order to elect Democrats because if that didn't happen they'd need to fight for taxpayer funding harder than ever. Their efforts turned out to be a helluva self-fulfilling prophecy, but now PP has to give Hillary Clinton some sort of accolade for the kinda-sorta effort. Here she goes:
The nation's largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, announced last week that at their cente...
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AWW: Notre Dame students sound alarm about safe space violation from VP Mike Pence
**Written by Doug Powers
The campus triggering of the week:
University of Notre Dame students have begun a “#NotMyCommencementSpeaker” white board campaign to protest the invitation of Vice President Mike Pence to speak at Commencement.
Last week, seniors Immane Mondane and Jourdyhn Williams invited students to take photos holding white boards with “direct quotes from Pence that are racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, offensive, or ostracizing to members of our community,” along with the ...
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Shocker! NY Gov. Cuomo’s ‘free’ college tuition plan not so ‘free’ after all (on multiple levels)
**Written by Doug Powers
The New York governor has added a couple of “feel the Bern” disclaimers to his “free college tuition” plan: A) The tuition's not “free,” and B) Neither is anybody who takes advantage of the program:
Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Monday that the requirement was added to protect the state's investment in a student's education by ensuring they don't take advantage of free tuition and then leave New York. The rule wasn't a part of Cuomo's free college tuition proposal w...
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Lean Floor-ward: MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell is Putin down a Trump/Syria theory (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
The annual spring “oil change and mower blade sharpening” extravaganza has arrived, so I'll be in the garage for a bit. In the meantime, let's light the candle on another Sunday open thread. A few starters…
You want a conspiracy theory about the U.S. missile strike on a Syrian airbase? You got it:
LAWRENCE O'DONNELL, MSNBC: Wouldn't it be nice if it was just completely, totally, absolutely impossible to suspect that Vladimir Putin orchestrated what happened in Syria t...
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AP & Time get in on the ‘fake news’ fun with nuclear option memory loss (Harry WHO?)
**Written by Doug Powers
The Senate confirmed Judge Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court Friday with a little help from then-Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's filibuster reform in 2013:
No, thank you, Harry!
Anyway, in October of last year, Reid, who had already unwittingly dropped a ticking bomb down the Democrats' shorts, was quite pleased with himself because his 2013 move meant he'd set the stage for Dems to stop any Republican attempts to block the SCOTUS nominations of the inevitable nex...
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Hillary Clinton: I’d have won if not for Russian hackers forcing me to run a terrible campaign
**Written by Doug Powers
It's now official: The only person or entity Hillary Clinton has not blamed for her election loss is… Hillary Clinton:
Hillary Clinton left no doubt on Thursday that she believes Russia contributed to her defeat by interfering in the election, condemning what she called Moscow's “weaponization of information.”
“I didn't fully understand how impactful that was,” Mrs. Clinton said at a women's conference in New York. She said she was convinced that intrusions into Democrat...
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Shocker: Politifact retracts ‘mostly true’ ruling on Syria claim because ‘subsequent events have proved Kerry wrong’
**Written by Doug Powers
Just three years ago, the Obama administration super genius in charge of the State Department was engaged in another attempt to pat himself on the back:
Politifact, apparently ignoring the red flag word “declared,” found the “chemical weapons have been removed from Syria” claim to be “mostly true.” Recent horrors, however, have convinced them to retract that:
“We don't know key details about the reported chemical attack in Syria on April 4, 2017, but it raises two clea...
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Bipartisanship! Here’s Harry Reid encouraging GOP to use nuclear option for SCOTUS nominees
**Written by Doug Powers
Harry Reid's set to make history today as first ex-senator to cast the deciding vote on a SCOTUS nominee. Back in 2013, when Dems were pretty sure they'd be in control of the Senate forever, Reid actually encouraged the Republicans to carry on with his precedent (via @ARsquared):
If McConnell goes nuclear I hope one or all of the Republicans remind Dems of those words. The GOP should have this put on a t-shirt to wear around this week:
Bonus backfire: Dances With Id...
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The Northwestern University Rape Outbreak That Wasn’t
The Northwestern University Rape Outbreak That Wasn't
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Campus feminists whipped up a Category-5 frenzy over sexual assault allegations at a Northwestern University fraternity in February. But last week, the school's Vice President for Student Affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin was forced to muster up her best impression of “Saturday Night Live's” classic foot-in-mouther, Emily Litella.
Neeeeever miiiiind.
Picture Telles-Irvin squinting and grimacing ...
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How selfless! Chuck Schumer offers to work with Republicans to find a SCOTUS nominee more acceptable to Dems
**Written by Doug Powers
It's looking like “nuclear option” time in the Senate during the Gorsuch confirmation vote later this week, and with that, Chuck Schumer is extending an olive branch covered with razor blades:
At the same time, Democrats have operated on two tracks: They have sought to present their opponents as hypocrites by reminding the public about Judge Merrick B. Garland, President Barack Obama's nominee for the seat last year, whom Republicans refused to even consider during a p...
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Former Obama adviser routinely not based in fact: These surveillance allegations have no basis in fact
**Written by Doug Powers
Former National Security Adviser Susan Rice, the Obama official who helped blame Benghazi on a video multiple times and told the country that Bowe Bergdahl served with “honor and distinction,” said today that President Trump's wiretap allegation has “no basis in fact.” Take it from an expert!
This is a helluva hand-holding inquisition by Rice's interview expedition Sherpa Andrea Mitchell:
Partial excerpt from Grabien:
RICE: “Andrea, this is not anything political tha...
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CNN hosts: Susan Rice story a ‘fake scandal’ according to our reporter who worked for Obama admin
**Written by Doug Powers
Start the countdown to Susan Rice blaming this on a video:
Multiple sources tell Fox News that Susan Rice, former national security adviser under then-President Barack Obama, requested to unmask the names of Trump transition officials caught up in surveillance.
The unmasked names, of people associated with Donald Trump, were then sent to all those at the National Security Council, some at the Defense Department, then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and th...
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Calif. Senate takes step toward ‘sanctuary state’ status, will inform Trump next time they demand federal aid
**Written by Doug Powers
There's been talk of secession for California, but for now the progs there are trying to establish a “line item veto” of federal laws to which they take offense:
California lawmakers gave initial approval Monday to a measure that prevents law enforcement from cooperating with federal immigration officials, a measure that proponents said rebukes President Donald Trump for his immigration crackdown.
It makes California a statewide sanctuary for many people who are in the ...
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Media executive’s questions for ABC’s 20/20
Last night, ABC's 20/20 re-aired its year-old piece on former Oklahoma City police officer Daniel Holtzclaw. Amazingly, the show is still titled “What the Dash Cam Never Saw,” even though OKC patrol cars didn't have cams when Daniel served. Talk about fake news.
The “update” to this show consisted of a hasty few lines tacked at the end in which Elizabeth Vargas briefly mentioned Daniel's appeal. You can read actual substantive coverage of it at Brian Bates' HoltzclawTrial.com.
This morning, Cr...
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