**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter **Written by Doug Powers
Here's your TOTAL COINCIDENCE of the last couple years:
The Justice Department has turned over to Congress additional text messages involving an FBI agent who was removed from special counsel Robert Mueller's investigative team following the discovery of derogatory comments about President Donald Trump.
But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incompl...
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Prog-tastic: Calif. Dems want state to tax businesses federal tax cut savings
**Written by Doug Powers
Probably the most pathetic part of this is the assumption the money belonged to the state in the first place while blaming Trump for forcing them to take extra measures re-confiscate the wealth for re-distribution by progressives:
California lawmakers are targeting the expected windfall that companies in the state would see under the federal tax overhaul with a bill that would require businesses to turn over half to the state.
A proposed Assembly Constitutional Amendmen...
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Dianne Feinstein: ‘People die’ when gov’t shuts down. Will she vote against shutdown? Meh, not sure
**Written by Doug Powers
Apparently Sen. Dianne Feinstein didn't get the memo from her own party that everybody's already been killed by the repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules and the passage of the GOP tax bill and there's nobody left. In spite of that, she's now warning that if there's a government shutdown, there will be additional fatalities:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein warned Wednesday that when the federal government shuts down “people die, accidents happen” and it's hard to assess what ...
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Insane: Calif. AG threatens legal action against employers who help feds take action on illegals
**Written by Doug Powers
Trump could have guaranteed himself re-election if he would have told Jeff Sessions to have this lawless “law enforcement” official arrested during his announcement that federal laws don't apply to his state:
The state's top cop issued a warning to California employers Thursday that businesses face legal repercussions, including fines up to $10,000, if they assist federal immigration authorities with a potential widespread immigration crackdown.
“It's important, given th...
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Dare to dream: Newsweek renews hope for Hillary fans
**Written by Doug Powers
Before beginning, if you like, cue up some suitable background music:
Well, you've got to give them points for wishful creativity — too bad those don't transfer to swing state electoral votes:
Hillary Clinton could still become president if Russia probe finds conspiracy evidence https://t.co/7fH8dnVS0m pic.twitter.com/F3Wqea3bYC
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) January 18, 2018
Given that there is “no mechanism in American law for a new election,” nor “a mechanism for...
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CNN’s chief WH drama queen no longer recognizes America after Trump orders him ‘out!’
**Written by Doug Powers
At the conclusion of a White House event this week, CNN's Jim Acosta just couldn't help but ask the president if he's against countries that aren't “white.” At that point, Trump told him to get “out.” This scene was so entertaining that popcorn should have been served:
After that, Acosta barely recognizes the country anymore!
As I attempted to ask questions in Roosevelt Room of Trump, WH press aides shouted in my face to drown out my questions. I have never encountered...
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Dems boycotting Trump SOTU might leave some empty seat opportunity for GOP
**Written by Doug Powers
If this trend keeps up, on SOTU night, the Dem side of the chamber will be emptier than the Resistance's list of actionable impeachment charges:
Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) on Monday announced she plans to boycott President Trump's State of the Union address to Congress at the end of the month, joining a handful of other Democratic lawmakers who are skipping the annual event.
“I'm here on Martin Luther King Jr. Day to say I will not be going to the State of the Union,...
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Samantha Power’s U.N.-a-Palooza election night ‘victory’ party for Hillary was the funniest thing ever
**Written by Doug Powers
Former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Samantha Power demonstrated by way of a recent documentary and interview what happens when the trifecta of overconfidence, sanctimony and bureaucratic gobbledygook collide:
On the night of Nov. 8, 2016, Power threw a party for the 37 female diplomats at her apartment in New York City, a scene that is captured in the new HBO documentary, “The Final Year.”
Power also invited Gloria Steinem and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright,...
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Confirmed: Simone from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off had more reliable sources than ‘Fire and Fury’ author
**Written by Doug Powers
The book “Fire and Fury” has been shown to be little more than Resistance fan fiction, and with reported “sources” like these that's putting it mildly (via Allahpundit at Hot Air):
Personally, I've enjoyed reading Wolff over the years. You can call him many things (see the preceding paragraph), but never dull. I do not know Wolff nor can I vouch for his credibility. Though I should add that a mutual acquaintance of ours, after spotting an anecdote he'd casually tossed of...
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Hawaii Dem Rep. REALLY conflicted about how Trump should respond to N. Korea
**Written by Doug Powers
In Hawaii yesterday, an Emergency Management employee pushed the wrong button — twice — and sent the islands into a panic:
Oh boy.Vern Miyagi on Hawaii missile alert mistake: “There is a screen that says, 'are you sure you want to do this.'…it was pushed anyway." pic.twitter.com/tkfpNqPCnA
— Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) January 13, 2018
A slapstick sequel to “War Games” just wrote itself.
The state's emergency management leaders are obviously going to have to put additiona...
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Dems holding emergency tax bill ‘teach-ins’ to explain Armageddon delay
**Written by Doug Powers
Are you among those who are confused about why the GOP tax bill has been signed into law and yet life as we know it has not been wiped out as we were promised? House Democrats, at the behest of Nancy Pelosi, will spend part of the weekend explaining the anomaly to constituents while at the very least letting them know how the GOP screwed them over by allowing them to keep more of their own money:
Congressional Democrats will hold a series of “teach-ins” to celebrate the...
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Nancy Pelosi calls GOP tax cuts ‘pathetic’ but she’s actually describing the collapsed Dem narrative
**Written by Doug Powers
Remember when Nancy Pelosi warned of GOP tax bill “Armageddon” along with all the accompanying doom and gloom that made the guy in Ghostbusters describing what would happen if the proton streams were crossed sound understated?
Now that it's clear most working Americans will be seeing more money in their paychecks, with some companies offering bonuses as a result of the relieved tax burden, Pelosi's still weaving a narrative for the Dems:
“A number of bonuses — one of th...
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Fossil fool: NYC mayor sues Big Oil, Gore-ifies city pension funds
**Written by Doug Powers
This is a textbook example of what “climate change” alarmism is at least partly about: Attempting to blame the deepest available pockets for natural occurrences in order to re-fill the coffers emptied by spendthrift progressive ways while at the same time shifting money more in the direction of fellow travelers:
New York City is suing five oil companies over climate change.
The city is suing BP, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon Mobil and Royal Dutch Shell, according to The...
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‘Fire and Fury’ author also apparently a heck of a mind reader
**Written by Doug Powers
One of the most quoted portions of Michael Wolff's Resistance porn book “Fire and Fury” is the following, and it's in regards at least in part to Trump's cabinet:
Hoping for the best, with their personal futures as well as the country's future depending on it, my indelible impression of talking to them and observing them through much of the first year of his presidency, is that they all — 100 percent — came to believe he was incapable of functioning in his job.”
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Poll: What’s the dumbest ‘climate change’ hot take of the year (so far)?
**Written by Doug Powers
We're just over a week into 2018, and already there are at least three (I'm sure there are more) seriously stupid and desperate climate change alarms being sounded.
First off, Scientific American poses a possibility for what might have triggered the Iran protests:
Climate change may have helped spark Iran's protests https://t.co/MNUG4MH1dU pic.twitter.com/RJfTz9nILI
— Scientific American (@sciam) January 8, 2018
Yeah, that's what it must be. They'll do anything to sel...
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Schiff-ting narrative… Out: Russia collusion! In: Whatever, but Trump IS mentally unfit!
**Written by Doug Powers
California Rep. Adam Schiff has been like a Roomba the DNC programmed to search for phony excuses for why Hillary Clinton lost as well as reasons to impeach Trump. If you're keeping score at home, the narrative that started at “Trump colluded with Russia to hack the election” has now devolved to “well ok but he IS mentally unfit based on the dubious claims made in this book”:
Rep. Adam Schiff: "I don't think there's anyone in Congress, frankly, of either party who does ...
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‘Fake news’ gold: CNN journo outs host of CNN’s ‘Reliable Sources’ as unreliable source
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday, the host of CNN's ironically-titled show “Reliable Sources” took issue with a quote the GOP used in their tweet discrediting Michael Wolff's book which portrays the Trump White House as a Cuckoo's Nest of dysfunction:
The reviews are in… pic.twitter.com/UNdkNbBEFF
— GOP (@GOP) January 5, 2018
Brian Stelter originally said he was misquoted, but later acknowledged the quote is accurate.
In a CNN-on-CNN drive-by lecturing, CNN reporter Jake Tapper took a shot a...
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Uh oh, that tax bill ‘Armageddon’ Nancy Pelosi warned about is kicking in!
**Written by Doug Powers
Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats went full-blown apocalypse NOW when trying to convince everybody that the GOP tax bill was a planet-destroyer:
BREAKING: 82 million middle class households face a TAX HIKE under the Senate's obscene #GOPTaxScam. We must defeat Republicans' monstrous assault on the middle class. https://t.co/4njh2pZ1Sz
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) November 20, 2017
Pelosi called the tax bill “Armageddon” and the “end of the world”:
You'll be not s...
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Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part 3: All in OCPD’s Crime Lab Family
Pyongyang on the Prairie, Part 3:
All in OCPD's Crime Lab Family
by Michelle Malkin
Creators Syndicate
Copyright 2018
Last year, on the morning of Dec. 6, 2016, I emailed Oklahoma City Police Department senior crime lab analyst Elaine Taylor. She's the government forensic expert who was assigned to handle the DNA evidence in the case of former OCPD officer Daniel Holtzclaw.
Taylor is also the mother-in-law of Det. Rocky Gregory, who co-led the police investigation of Holtzclaw from the outset...
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Blizzard of BS: Al Gore puts temporary freeze on warm winter alarm
**Written by Doug Powers
Back in 2006 during a screening of An Inconvenient Truth, the Washington Post reported that Al Gore “believes humans may have only 10 years left to save the planet from turning into a total frying pan.”
A few years after that, Gore told everybody to get used to warm winters:
4th Warmest Winter on record: http://t.co/potlsJm6
— Al Gore (@algore) March 16, 2012
What happens when #DirtyEnergy leads to warm winters & extreme summers? Does tourism go out the door? L...
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