**Written by Doug Powers
The headline above is how I'm imagining this story will be spun at select mainstream media outlets:
The beauty of federal bureaucracy is its ability to stop on a dime. A really, really big dime:
Seventeen years after the Year 2000 bug came and went, the federal government will finally stop preparing for it.
The Trump administration announced Thursday that it would eliminate dozens of paperwork requirements for federal agencies, including an obscure rule that requires the...
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WaPo, NYT react to attempted massacre of GOPers by slamming ‘skewed electoral maps’ and Sarah Palin
**Written by Doug Powers
The dumbest, most pitiful takes imaginable have been offered since a nutjob who hated Trump and felt the Bern tried to massacre Republican members of Congress at a baseball practice. Two of the most prominent stinkers are from the papers with the respective slogans of “Democracy Dies in Darkness” and “The Truth is Now More Important Than Ever” — The Washington Post and the New York Times.
First off, a Washington Post author billed at their site as an editorial writer ac...
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Terry McAuliffe’s ‘gun violence’ data gets shot down
**Written by Doug Powers
When you're so locked into partisan gun control exaggeration that you inflate data by a factor of one million — twice:
93 million a day? At that rate everybody in the U.S. would be eliminated by “gun violence” (defined as the bizarre phenomenon where guns become self-aware and somehow commit violence all on their own) before Sunday brunch.
McAuliffe was encouraged to correct himself:
The governor's response prompted a reporter to ask him why he was bringing up the gun...
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How gracious! UN might offer states, cities chance to buy into Paris Agreement
**Written by Doug Powers
The United Nations has told President Trump the Paris Agreement can't be altered or renegotiated in any way just because of one country.
But they are open to alternatives…
Patricia Espinosa, head of the United Nations climate change secretariat, told the ministers she intends to open the door for regions, cities and other sub-national players to join the international talks, said Carlo Carraro, a member of the U.N.'s International Panel on Climate Change Bureau. “This ...
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Climate of hate: Shooting at House GOP baseball practice
Seems like just last month that a college professor was publicly calling for Republicans to be “lined up and shot.”
This morning, we awoke to the news of a horrible shooting at the House GOP's baseball practice in Alexandria, Va.
Sen. Rand Paul was in the batting cage and described the chaos as Rep. Steve Scalise and several staffers were targeted:
Breaking: Senator Rand Paul describes shooting scene https://t.co/wMTL3i1OPG
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) June 14, 2017
In case you had any doubt this was a ...
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Uh oh: DNC better sound the ‘all Hollywood lib hands on deck’ alarm in Georgia
**Written by Doug Powers
Georgia's 6th congressional district election is a week away, and Democrat Jon Ossoff, who polls last week showed having anywhere from a 3 to 7 point lead, is now tied with Republican Karen Handel:
A new SurveyUSA poll for 11Alive in Atlanta found that Democrat Jon Ossoff and Republican Karen Handel are tied at 47 percent in Georgia's special House election, one week from Election Day.
Another 6 percent of voters are still undecided in the poll, as Ossoff and Handel jock...
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‘Red’ herrings: Comey’s testimony continues to wedgie Dem election narrative
**Written by Doug Powers
The prospect of James Comey's testimony last week had the Democrats more excited than Hillary Clinton when her BleachBit coupon book arrived early last year. However, Comey's testimony didn't exactly play into the DNC's election narrative, and there's this extra bit of backfire for the Democrats:
Ex-FBI Director James Comey has privately told members of Congress that he had a frosty exchange with Obama Attorney General Loretta Lynch last year when he confronted her abo...
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Just perfect: Global warming ‘research’ headline of the week
**Written by Doug Powers
From the CBC, here's a headline that proves man-made climate change is causing an alarming increase in circular reasoning:
It seems the climate change research vessel S.S. Begging the Question experienced some problems:
A team of scientists had to abandon an expedition through Hudson Bay because of hazardous ice conditions off the coast of Newfoundland caused by climate change.
About 40 scientists from five Canadian universities were scheduled to use the ice...
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It’s come to this: London police commish finds proof of city’s diversity (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
This Sunday open thread and cookout is hereby convened. Without further adieu, the lead-off story:
When politicians and the police are so PC they ignore obvious warning signs, this is the kind of spin we can expect more of after attacks:
You can't make this stuff up:
“It's desperately sad and poignant but among those who died is someone who's British, there are French, Australian, Canadian, Spanish,” Cressida Dick told The Associated Press in an interview Saturday.
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Novel idea! Mich. law ends pensions for public employees who breach public trust
**Written by Doug Powers
That there needs to be a law to force this into reality speaks volumes:
Governor Rick Snyder signed into law this week new legislation that will forfeit the pensions of public employees convicted of felonies that breach the public trust.
The new law, which will also forfeit public contributions made to an employee's 401(k), follows a 2014 7 Action News investigation that revealed public officials throughout the state convicted of abusing the public trust were still ...
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With Russia narrative crumbling, Nancy Pelosi floats new snoozer of a Trump scandal
**Written by Doug Powers
The Comey hearing yesterday didn't give the Democrats anything they can work with as far as shoring up their eroding Russia talking points, so Nancy Pelosi has moved closer the a new goal of adding “sleepiness” to the articles of impeachment:
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi says she has concerns about President Donald Trump's “fitness for office” — and thinks he needs more sleep.
Pelosi is citing Trump's habit of early morning tweeting, as well as Thursday's congres...
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At least Hillary knows who she can blame for Comey going public
**Written by Doug Powers
James Comey going public with the FBI's investigation is one reason Hillary Clinton's included him on her lengthy list of people not named “Hillary Clinton” who are to blame for her election loss. At the hearing Thursday, Comey explained that he might not have felt compelled to go public with the investigation if it hadn't been for one thing:
Former FBI director James Comey testified in front of the Senate Intelligence Committee on Thursday morning and revealed a surpris...
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Here we go: James Comey hearing (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
The James Comey hearing at the Senate Intelligence Committee starts at about 10 a.m. eastern, so here's a space for discussion. Comey's opening statement was released yesterday, and if that's any indication the Democrats are about the start loathing him all over again — but we'll see what happens.
Anonymous sources tell me Rep. Maxine Waters will be watching from her office where she and her staff will continue to hold mock impeachment trials.
All these hearings and Dem ...
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CNN: If only US president cared about ‘climate’ as much as North Korea’s dictator
**Written by Doug Powers
In a statement Tuesday, Pyongyang said Washington's move represented “the height of egoism and moral vacuum seeking only their own well-being, even at the cost of the entire planet.”
“The selfish act of the US does not only have grave consequences for the international efforts to protect the environment, but poses great danger to other areas as well,” a spokesman for the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs said, according to state news agency KCNA.
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When YouTube banned me, but not the hate imams
Credit: Jawa Report
When YouTube banned me, but not the hate imams
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
One of the many maddening takeaways from the London Bridge jihad attack is this: If you post videos on YouTube radicalizing Muslim viewers to kill innocent people, YouTube will leave you alone.
But if you post a video on YouTube honoring innocent people murdered by barbaric jihadists, your video will get banned.
I know. It happened to me in 2006. Eleven years later, the selecti...
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Michael Moore launches ‘TrumpiLeaks’ (no, seriously)
**Written by Doug Powers
“TrumpiLeaks” would be a great name for the official adult diaper of The Resistance, but instead Michael Moore's using the title to get one step closer to his apparent goal of being a dumpy Julian Assange knockoff while bringing down Trump once and for all. Moore for some reason really seems to want Mike Pence to be president:
The documentary filmmaker sent an email encouraging recipients to leak information about the president using his new page, TrumpiLeaks, a pun on W...
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London mayor calls for travel ban (but only for Trump)
**Written by Doug Powers
The mayor of London doesn't seem to be enjoying Donald Trump's criticism, but in spite of that Khan's joined in the U.S. president's call for a travel ban — sort of:
London Mayor Sadiq Khan is calling on the British government to cancel a state visit from President Trump after Trump criticized his response to this weekend's terror attacks in London.
“I don't think we should roll out the red carpet to the president of the USA in the circumstances where his policies go aga...
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Snare the wealth: Bernie Sanders got non-capitalistic $800k advance for anti-greed screed
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's some more filler for the “area socialist makes good” file:
Sen. Bernie Sanders snagged a $795,000 advance last year for his book “Our Revolution: A Future to Believe In,” according to his personal financial disclosure.
The book hit best-seller lists after its post-election release in November. Sanders also took in a $63,750 advance for a future adaptation of “Our Revolution” geared toward younger readers and $6,735 in royalties from his 1997 book “Outsider in the ...
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‘Journalists’: London was attacked by… OMG, look what Trump’s tweeting! (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Welcome to another Sunday open thread and BBQ. A few things to get it rolling while the grill heats up…
There was a terrorist attack in London last night that left seven people dead and dozens more injured, and judging from the reactions of many “real journalism” outlets, it was somehow the fault of a string of subsequent Trump tweets:
Trump takes London mayor's quote out of context in Twitter attack https://t.co/FGJv4vfkBu pic.twitter.com/FIULorID6a
— The Hill (@thehil...
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Weather Channel, CNN join climate change panic shark jump competition
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday Huffington Post went full-blown fire & brimstone over Trump cutting the United States out of the Paris Agreement. Joining the “most over-the-top reactions” competition today are CNN and the Al Gore climate Kool Aid dealers at the Weather Channel.
First up, here's CNN going full apocalypse (screen shot via @MartiniShark):
Well, at least now CNN's convinced the future will have even more water in which they can continue shark jumping.
The Weather Channel p...
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