A Day Without American Tech Workers
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Last month, there was a national “Day Without a Latino.” This week, the demonstration du jour shutting down schools and shops is a “Day Without Women.” Here's my question for all the virtue-signaling protesters who pay lip service to better jobs and wages:
Where's your awareness-raising event for untold thousands of our country's high-skilled men and women victimized by H-1B visa havoc? Thanks to cheap lab...
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Loretta Lynch tells progressives to stay calm and just focus on the next election — JUST KIDDING
**Written by Doug Powers
Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch appears to be trying out for a leadership position in The Resistance™:
LYNCH: I know that this is a time of great fear and uncertainty for so many people. I know it's a time of concern for people who see our rights being assailed, being trampled on, and even being rolled back. I know that this is difficult, but I remind you that this has never been easy. We have always had to work to move this country forward to achieve the great i...
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Of course: Public schools to close due to ‘Day Without Women’ protest, Betsy DeVos still expected to show up for work
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's the latest news from the “for the children” side of the aisle that's always accusing the right of being a threat to a quality public school education:
More than 300 public school staff members at Alexandria City, Virginia have requested leave for Wednesday, prompting the school to close its doors.
“Given the unusually high number of requests, this may be attributed to the observance of International Women's Day. This day has also been deemed A Day Without Women. ...
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Nancy Pelosi had to see a photo of her meeting with the Russian ambassador to find out what was in it (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
I'm headed out of town for a while to take care of some business and also to try and secure a meeting with the Russian ambassador — turns out I'm one of only seven people in the world who haven't met with him in the past half year (and the other six are on the International Space Station). Here's the weekly Sunday open thread to help keep things jumping in the meantime. Here we go…
During an interview with Politico, Nancy Pelosi was asked if she'd ever met with the Russi...
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You’ve heard of sanctuary cities? This judge apparently runs a sanctuary courtroom
**Written by Doug Powers
The term “so-called judge” came to mind when I read this:
A judge has been accused of helping an illegal Mexican immigrant escape a courtroom where immigration officials were waiting to arrest and possibly deport him.
Diddier Pacheco Salazar, 22, appeared before Judge Monica Herranz to plead guilty in a DUI case on January 27 in Multnomah County, Oregon.
Salazar entered the courtroom with his lawyer but never came back out again.
Herranz is now under internal investiga...
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NYT op-ed sums up hysterics about Jeff Sessions
**Written by Doug Powers
If this doesn't inadvertently put much of the freakout in a nice little nutshell nothing does:
That sounds about as expected.
On Thursday, Sessions recused himself from any Russia-related investigations. I was rather hoping he'd hold off on the recusal and instead troll Dems by announcing a probe and then letting reporters catch him meeting with Melania Trump and Anna Kournikova on an airport tarmac.
In any case, Dems aren't satisfied with Sessions' recusal:
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Obama using post-presidency to search for ‘enough money’ threshold he warned about
**Written by Doug Powers
Remember back in 2010 when then-President Obama said he was of the opinion that “at a certain point you've made enough money”?
The debate at that point was “what is his definition of ‘enough' money?” We now know the answer is probably somewhere in the neighborhood of “over a quarter billion”:
Another “public service” success story!
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Oprah’s throwaway comment about running for president makes her the clear Dem 2020 frontrunner
**Written by Doug Powers
At this point the Dems' best hopes for 2020 appear to be pinned on Steve Beshear, Keith Olbermann and the guy who's trying to teach Elizabeth Warren to speak Iroquoian before her meeting with a genealogist/oppo research expert. Given all that, in a welcome turn of events, Dems who have Oprah in their fantasy league 2020 presidential race just got a small boost:
President Donald Trump's 2016 victory may have been Oprah Winfrey's aha moment, as the talk show icon is now s...
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A lesson for Planned Parenthood’s pin-up girls
A lesson for Planned Parenthood's pin-up girls
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Glam American actresses Emma Stone and Dakota Johnson adorned their pricy Oscars ceremony gowns and handbags with golden Planned Parenthood pins in the shape of the group's logo.
I believe there should be truth in virtue signaling. But bloodied miniature forceps would have clashed with the Givenchy and Gucci outfits worn by the abortion giant's pinup gals.
Since President Trump's reinstatement of ...
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SOTU open thread: Rep. Maxine Waters to be self-designated survivor of congressional Dem Resistance™
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a spot for some talk about Trump's first State of the Union address. What have the Dems got up their sleeves?
Rep. Maxine Waters has said she will not attend:
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-California, the ranking member on the House Financial Services Committee, told House Democrats at a caucus meeting this morning that she will not attend the speech because she doesn't think she will be able to control herself, according to Democrats who attended.
“The president is not...
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The Academy Awards could rescue falling ratings with addition of ‘Outstanding Achievement in Eco-Hypocrisy’ category
**Written by Doug Powers
Sure, maybe this should be prefaced with a “reportedly,” but since we're talking about mega climate change hypocrite Leo DiCaprio I'm not sure it's necessary because it's nothing out of the ordinary:
Totally believable:
Australian eyebrow-artist to the stars Sharon-Lee Hamilton was flown from Sydney to Los Angeles to tend to a select few celebrities' brows before the 2017 Oscars.
Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire are reportedly two members of the Hollywood elite ...
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Maybe DAPL protesters left behind all that trash to give the abandoned dogs something to play with
**Written by Doug Powers
Well look at that, some of the “environmentalists” protesting the Dakota Access Pipeline left behind more than just a toxic garbage heap at Camp Sewage:
It was a hectic week as law enforcement officials worked to clear the Oceti Sakowin protest camp in North Dakota. As officers moved in, and protesters moved out, garbage wasn't the only thing abandoned.
Two dogs and six puppies were found and rescued at the main Dakota Access Pipeline camp by Furry Friends Rockin' Rescue...
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DNC finally **on board with Voter ID (**exceptions apply)
**Written by Doug Powers
On Saturday the DNC elected a new captain of the party's tribute to Titanic, but first, interim chair Donna Brazile said she didn't trust the electronic voting method and opted for paper ballots — **guess why:
“Pursuant to the rules of procedure, the chair has the discretion as to the voting mechanism,” Brazile said. “It is my determination, based on the system that we tested this morning, that I would like to use paper ballots. And I'll tell you why.”
“We have to make...
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Good news! Hillary assures DNC she’s going to continue to be there ‘every step of the way’ (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
It's another Sunday in that awkward and boring sliver of downtime between football and baseball season, so let's bide some time with an open thread.
First off, Hillary Clinton addressed the DNC meeting by video and had some news that will be comforting… to Republicans:
“Let resistance plus persistence equal progress for our party and our country,” she said, adding that the party's “best days are ahead” if Democrats stand together for what they believe.
“Keep fighting a...
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2017 hits full stride early: Media slams White House & vice versa as witches cast spell on Trump admin
**Written by Doug Powers
On Friday, WH Press Sec Sean Spicer had a “gaggle” with reporters, except the LA Times, CNN, Buzzfeed, Politico and NY Times claimed their reporters were barred (though the WH denied that):
President Trump's war with the press intensified Friday when several journalists perceived as critical of the administration charged they were barred from a press briefing with White House spokesman Sean Spicer and lodged a complaint.
Those claiming they were barred included The New ...
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LA Times: Trump’s so emotionally traumatizing that even therapists are in need of therapy, or something
**Written by Doug Powers
Because of all this, somewhere in the L.A. area a screenwriter is feverishly working on a script for “Sigmund Trumpstopper, PhD: Psychologist to the Triggered Stars”:
In her 35 years as a therapist, Arlene Drake has never heard so many clients talking about the same issue. Week after week, they complain of panic attacks and insomnia because of President Trump. They're too anxious to concentrate at work. One woman's fear turned into intense, physical pain.
“It's just a n...
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New York Times, Washington Post in heated battle over which paper woke up fastest from 8-year hibernation
**Written by Doug Powers
On Sunday I mentioned the Washington Post's ominous new motto, “Democracy Dies in Darkness”:
That replaced what had been the paper's maxim since 2009: “Yeah But It's Probably Nothing.”
Not to be outdone, the New York Times is going to launch a new ad campaign during Sunday night's “Anti-Trump Rants Along With a Few Awards About Movies” telecast. The Times is attempting to eclipse the Post's “Democracy Dies in Darkness” with “The Truth is More Important Now Than Ever”:...
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Mother Earth DOA from smoke inhalation after environmentalists leave DAPL protest site a smoldering mess
**Written by Doug Powers
Police began the process of shutting down the Dakota Access Pipeline protest site today, and the tireless advocates for a clean environment added to their already sizable carbon footprint. Here's just a sampling of the lengths eco-warriors went today to protect Mother Gaia from capitalist ickiness:
We've been moved way back by police. #NoDAPL Protestors set guard shack at north entrance on fire and barricaded it. pic.twitter.com/Y8P9bCB96j
— Sara Sidner (@sara...
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Shock poll: Vast majority of Americans think local politicians should have to comply with the law
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a real stunner (via John Sexton at Hot Air):
An overwhelming majority of Americans believe that cities that arrest illegal immigrants for crimes should be required to turn them over to federal authorities.
The poll shows that President Trump has broad public support in his effort to crack down on sanctuary cities.
A survey from Harvard–Harris Poll provided exclusively to The Hill found that 80 percent of voters say local authorities should have to comply with the...
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Fighting for the falsely accused
Fighting for the falsely accused
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
Former Fort Worth, Texas, police officer Brian Franklin is finally free. But he is still fighting to clear his name.
“I've been vindicated,” he told me in an interview last week, “but not yet exonerated.” Franklin served 21 years in prison — a harrowing 7,700 days — of a life sentence after he was convicted of sexually assaulting a 13-year-old girl in 1995. But he steadfastly maintained his innocence, studied la...
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