**Written by Doug Powers
There's still plenty of California Dreamin' happening on the Left Coast:
IN REAL LIFE, the Yes California movement aims to put the question of state secession on the 2018 ballot. In the world of comics, by contrast, assessments of that question will be rendered by May.
That's when writer Matteo Pizzolo and artist Amancay Nahuelpan will launch “Calexit,” an indie comic from Black Mask Studios that will dramatize the question: What might it look like if California refus...
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Michael Moore launches ‘Resistance Calendar’ as way to bring down Trump, help remember Chavez & Castro birthdays
**Written by Doug Powers
At this point Democrats should be huddling up to figure out how to win some elections starting late next year, but instead they've been given the opportunity to keep busy checking dates for the next “moon Trump Tower” event or the time and place of Ashley Judd and Madonna's next cries for help disguised as anti-Trump performance art:
Michael Moore, the liberal filmmaker and vocal opponent of President Trump, has launched an online calendar to track anti-Trump events arou...
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NBC News’ Presidents Day lamentation: Trump will NOT be the shortest-serving leader in US history
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter **Written by Doug Powers
It's President's Day, and NBC News observed the occasion in their own totally objective MSM kind of way:
This story should have been preceded by a trigger warning for Michael Moore:
This Presidents Day, as thousands prepare to swarm the streets for anti-administration rallies, President Donald Trump has reached his 32nd day in office – meaning he will not have the shortest term in the Oval Office.
They published the same kind of thin...
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At last, a website that allows Hillary fans to exist in a comforting alternate reality (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday open thread brings with it great news for those still in denial about Hillary Clinton's loss: Behold HillaryBeatTrump.org — a world where Hillary is the nation's 45th president, dammit!
Stuff like this is so funny it may well have been written by a Trump fan for all I know:
Here's a freshened up logo they should feel free to use:
(h/t PsychicPebble)
The Washington Post, on their Snapchat section, are trying out a new motto and image. I kid you ...
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PC job board: ‘Sensitivity readers’ to assist book editors are becoming all the rage in demand
**Written by Doug Powers
Artists of many stripes along with publishers often express concern about the government becoming a threat to freedom of expression, but in reality it's looking increasingly likely that the literary industry could soon be completely self-censoring:
Before a book is published and released to the public, it's passed through the hands (and eyes) of many people: an author's friends and family, an agent and, of course, an editor.
These days, though, a book may get an additio...
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Awwwk-ward: EPA employees who called Senators to lobby against this nominee, meet your new boss!
**Written by Doug Powers
Employees at the EPA have reportedly been working the phones in order to convince the Senate to stop the nomination of Scott Pruitt:
In an unusual show of opposition for federal employees, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) workers have been calling their senators to urge them to reject President Trump's pick to lead their agency, The New York Times reported Thursday.
Scott Pruitt, the attorney general of Oklahoma, has sued the EPA more than a dozen times in his curre...
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Lapdogs miss previous master? Chuck Todd says Trump’s ‘un-American’ for ‘delegitimizing’ MSM
“De-legitimizing the press is un-American”? This from a high profile representative of a body that spent the last several years neutering themselves with a copy of Audacity of Hope duct taped to an ax handle. The “de-legitimizing” of the MSM was self-inflicted, happened well before Trump took the oath of office, and is one of the reasons why he won. Try again, Chuck.
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter **Written by Doug Powers
Being jarred back to consciousness after an eight-year nap on the couc...
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Dan Rather hoping Trump can help him relive the heady days of Watergate before he got fired
**Written by Doug Powers
“Truth in the News” professor and dismissed CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather is pining for another Watergate to cover (on Facebook) and he's got a lot of hope pinned on the young Trump administration:
Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather lambasted the Trump administration on Tuesday evening for its association with former national security adviser Mike Flynn, claiming “this Russia scandal” might end up being as “big as Watergate.”
“Watergate is the biggest political scan...
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Go figure: Woman sentenced to 8 years in prison for something Eric Holder said never happens
**Written by Doug Powers
Former Attorney General Eric Holder said again fairly recently that voter ID initiatives are laws that “discriminate or that disenfranchise in the name of a problem that doesn't exist.” With that in mind, according to Holder, you are not reading this:
A Mexican citizen living in Texas was sentenced this week to eight years in prison for voting illegally in elections in 2012 and 2014.
Rosa Maria Ortega, 37, was found guilty Wednesday on two counts of illegal voting afte...
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Top House Dems again show off their ‘fake news’-spotting skills
**Written by Doug Powers
After the resignation of Michael Flynn as President Trump's National Security Adviser, House Dems held a press conference that featured in part Elijah Cummings followed by Nancy Pelosi both citing a tweet from a fake Flynn Twitter account as proof the “scandal” runs deep. Here's Pelosi dialing the “fake news” amp up to eleven:
Too bad she's not as skeptical of the authenticity of tweets from unverified accounts as she is about videos involving Planned Parenthood.
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Michael Flynn resigns, NY Times’ Thomas Friedman takes it all to the next level
**Written by Doug Powers
Last night, President Trump's National Security Adviser Michael Flynn resigned:
Mike Flynn's arrival at the White House last month followed a military career and post-military life marked by contentious periods.
None, it turned out, would be as widely followed as his latest controversy, which led to his resignation Monday after revelations that he didn't fully explain communications he had late last year with the Russian ambassador to the U.S.
Mr. Flynn, a retired Army l...
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Chuck Schumer demands ICE show him what arrested ‘law-abiding’ illegals did that was so illegal
**Written by Doug Powers
Senator Chuck Schumer is demanding that Immigration & Customs Enforcement officials tell him what all the illegals they've arrested these last few days did that was so illegal:
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said the Trump administration is rounding up and deporting “law-abiding” illegal immigrants and is demanding “details” about who is being targeted in a series of recent raids carried out by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents.
“I have always support...
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Dems have ‘serious concerns’ about ICE raids that rounded up dozens of violent felons (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Sunday “talk amongst yourselves” time again. A few odds and ends to kick things off…
Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested hundreds of people in the country illegally recently, and naturally many Democrats have “serious concerns” about this:
United States immigration authorities arrested several hundred illegal immigrants during raids in at least six different states this week, the first under President Donald Trump.
According to the Washington Post, Immigration a...
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How NOT to win taxpayer sympathy: EPA bureaucrats plan ‘slow walk’ strategy with Trump

**Written by Doug Powers
Apparently there's a new pastime being considered at the EPA under Trump: Doing barely enough to not get fired:
Across the vast federal bureaucracy, Donald J. Trump's arrival in the White House has spread anxiety, frustration, fear and resistance among many of the two million nonpolitical civil servants who say they work for the public, not a particular president.
At the Environmental Protection Agency, a group of scientists strategized this past week about how ...
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Necessary reminder for MSM: ‘Death to America’ chants in Iran started WAY before Trump became president
**Written by Doug Powers
Rallies featuring “death to America” chants have been a staple in Iran for decades, and it even occurred during the heady days when Obama and Kerry were celebrating a peace partnership and sending an enormous amount of cash to the regime. You wouldn't know it though based on some media reports like this one from Reuters:
Hundreds of thousands of Iranians rallied on Friday to swear allegiance to their clerical leaders and reject U.S. President Donald Trump's warning tha...
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Ninth Circuit keeps Trump’s travel ban blocked; Hillary rubs it in from undisclosed location nowhere near the White House
**Written by Doug Powers
After a few years of lauding the infallibility of Obama's pen & phone while lamenting the courts for occasionally blocking “progress,” the Left finally has a ruling against a presidential EO they can celebrate — for a little while at least:
A federal appeals court refused Thursday to reinstate President Donald Trump's ban on travelers from seven predominantly Muslim nations, unanimously rejecting the administration's claim of presidential authority, questioning its m...
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Dem Regrets? Dianne Feinstein has one (paging Harry Reid!)
**Written by Doug Powers
Remember this gem from then Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in 2013?
Now that Donald Trump's nominees are in the process of being confirmed one after the other with Democrats pretty much unable to do more than make noise and maybe try to sell some books and position for 2020, Sen. Dianne Feinstein is among those with regrets:
As the Senate works towards confirming President Donald Trump's cabinet nominees, the impact of a controversial rules change in 2013 has been e...
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Global warming about to cause tons of environmentally-conscious Standing Rock protesters’ garbage to turn toxic

**Written by Doug Powers
The Dakota Access Pipeline protesters left a little gift so the locals will be able to remember all they did to fight for the well-being of Mother Gaia:
North Dakota, you're welcome! Because they care so much about the environment:
Sanitation crews are working hard to dispose of six months' worth of garbage from a community the size of Wahpeton or Valley City. The mountains of debris need to be moved before the spring thaw occurs.
Making a dent in the immense...
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Hillary’s “Future is Female” femme-a-goguery
Hillary's “Future is Female” femme-a-goguery
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
All that was missing from Hillary Clinton's video address to a left-wing women's group this week was a pink pussyhat and a “BOYS SUCK” T-shirt.
Feminists at the MAKERS conference in Southern California gushed over the twice-failed presidential candidate's remarks, which exhorted her ideological sisters-in-arms to “be bold,” “step up and speak out,” and “set an example for every woman and girl out the...
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Liberal Event Horizon? Nancy Pelosi said something so wrong it stunned even Maxine Waters
**Written by Doug Powers
The year is young, but so far this is one of my favorite photo sequences:
Nancy Pelosi's on gainsaying autopilot again, with a twist. This time the House Minority Leader forgot which Republican president she was slamming:
PELOSI: While it's only a couple of weeks since the inauguration, there's complete evidence, there's prac–we've seen nothing that we can work— that I can work with President Bush on, and I'm disappointed because I thought that there might be some int...
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