**Written by Doug Powers
A potential gold mine in ticket sales to disaffected & depressed Manhattan & L.A. liberals still weeping into tattered Stronger Together t-shirts awaits any inspired playwright who crafts a script for the alternate-reality play, “Hamilton The Musical II: Electoral College? Never Happened!”
Ruth Bader Ginsburg might be among those in the audience:
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg says she would support changing the Electoral College.
“There are some thing...
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Hillary Clinton stakes claim on future in name of liberal women who shouldn’t have to wonder why they’re not ahead by 50 points
**Written by Doug Powers
The other day I heard somebody ask if Hillary Clinton and some of the Dems learned anything from the 2016 election. The answer is a clear and resounding “abso-freaking-lutely not“:
Hillary Clinton says “the future is female” in a new video statement.
The former Democratic presidential nominee cites as an example the millions of demonstrators who took part in last month's Women's March.
The video was made for the MAKERS Conference, a California gathering focused on women'...
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Now that Obama’s gone it’s safe for the MSM to notice Iran’s ‘more powerful’ than they’ve been in decades

**Written by Doug Powers
Less than a year ago, the Obama administration was making it sound like Iran was now part of the free world's drum circle, and the MSM was happy to help Obama & Kerry spread the word:
Secretary of State John Kerry on Thursday heaped praise on the nuclear deal between Iran, the United States and five other powers on the occasion of its one-year anniversary, remarking that it has “lived up to its expectations” and “made the world safer.”
“As of today, one year l...
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Fifty Shades of Grey Lady: NY Times Mag troubled by ‘uncomfortable love affair’ on Super Sunday (open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
The Super Sunday open thread is hereby called to order!
It's safe to assume who at least one NYT Magazine writer is not rooting for:
A USA Today writer got in on the action a few days ago:
Tom Brady no longer gets a pass on his friendship with Donald Trump.
Not after this weekend, when the country boiled over in rage and indignation at Trump's decision to turn America's back on refugees. Not after this season, when Colin Kaepernick was pilloried from coast to coast for...
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CPR for stalled political dynasty in progress: Media’s push for Chelsea Clinton to run for ANYTHING accelerates
**Written by Doug Powers
Just because Hillary lost in November doesn't mean the media's going to stop helping out the Clintons by going to the Dynasty Defibrillation Paddles, and the Washington Post is among the first media outlets to yell, “CLEAR!”
Chelsea Clinton has been in the national public eye for a quarter-century now. And as the only child of both a two-term president and a two-time presidential candidate, the question has long been not whether she would get involved in the family busin...
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A little rumor birdie told Robert Reich the ‘right-wing’ was behind Berkeley violence
**Written by Doug Powers
Former Bill Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich, with some help from CNN's Don Lemon, sees “right-wing” fingerprints (via the always reliable “rumors”) all over the riot at UC Berkeley:
“There's rumors that they actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a kind of group that was organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced the police to cancel the event,” Reich insisted. “So Donald Trump, when he says Berkeley doesn't respect fre...
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Calif. Lt. Gov. Newsom: UC Berkeley rioters violently shut down free speech because Trump’s irresponsible, or something
**Written by Doug Powers
The title above is the best way I could sum up this statement in just a few words. Here's one for the “Progressivism in a Nutshell” time capsule:
SACRAMENTO – University of California Regent and Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom issued the following statement on last night's protests at the campus of the University of California, Berkeley:
“Hatred has no home on California's public university campuses in any form, from vitriol to violence. We witnessed both extremes at ...
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Laugh of the day: Cecile Richards calls Planned Parenthood ‘non-partisan’
**Written by Doug Powers
Because there's a lot of serious stuff going on and I'm sure everybody could use a stress-relieving laugh, I give you the comedic stylings of Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards:
MIKA BRZEZINSKI, MSNBC: What do you make of this new administration? This new president? And would you meet with him? Or Ivanka who will be closely involved in women's issues?
CECILE RICHARDS, PLANNED PARENTHOOD: Well we definitely are hoping that they will look at the important decisio...
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Hillary Clinton to spend year releasing new book & testing paid speaker market’s appetite for influence peddlers with no influence
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary's comeback begins now:
Hillary Clinton has a lot of plans for 2017, including some reflections on her stunning loss last fall to Donald Trump.
The former secretary of state, senator and first lady is working on a book of personal essays expected to come out Sept. 26, Simon & Schuster told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The book, still untitled, is structured around hundreds of favorite quotations that have inspired her. The publisher said Clinton will use...
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Not all refugees are welcome here
Not all refugees are welcome here
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
For years, left-wingers would contest my use of the term “open borders lobby” because, they sternly rebuked me, nooooobody in America seriously believes in open borders.
This weekend, thousands of anti-Trump liberals took to the streets, airports and college campuses chanting “all are welcome” and shrieking “let them in” to protest White House executive orders enforcing our borders. In case their positio...
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SCOTUS-geddon: Chris Matthews’ leg thrill vaporized by Trump’s apocalyptic ‘shock & awe’ campaign
**Written by Doug Powers
Tuesday evening, Donald Trump nominated Judge Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court. The shell-shocked DNC was quick to provide what seems to be a pretty good endorsement from the perspective of non-lefties:
“The nomination of Judge Gorsuch raises some very serious questions about whether he would be a Supreme Court Justice who believes the Constitution protects all of us, not just the wealthy,” it said in a statement.
Minority Leader Charles Schumer said that he has “very ...
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Cue awkward silence: North Dakota tax commish keeping eye out for W2 and 1099 forms from paid Standing Rock agitators
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, this is one way to chase them off:
After spending more than $22 million on the Dakota Access pipeline protest, North Dakota wants to make sure any paid activists remember to submit their state income taxes.
Tax Commissioner Ryan Rauschenberger said his office is keeping an eye out for tax forms from environmental groups that may have hired protesters to agitate against the 1,172-mile, four-state pipeline project.
“It's something we're looking at. I can tell you I'v...
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Magic Mic: Audio problem leaves totally relatable Nancy Pelosi speechless and in search of ‘real people’
**Written by Doug Powers
I know of a certain audio tech who should be awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom — two of them if the reply to Pelosi was “I had to plug it in to find out what's wrong with it.” This is so chock-full-O'-funny it's hard to know where to start — come for the mic fail and stay for the search for “real people” and requisite Woody Guthrie singalong:
The video cut off before Pelosi asked if Rusty was still in the Navy and then blamed the whole fiasco on Russian hac...
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Trump fires acting Attorney General who did what you’d expect from an Obama DOJ holdover
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, this escalated quickly:
President Donald Trump fired acting Attorney General Sally Yates Monday night for “refusing to enforce a legal order designed to protect the citizens of the United States,” the White House said.
“(Yates) has betrayed the Department of Justice,” the White House statement said.
Trump didn't call Yates to dismiss her, she was informed by hand-delivered letter, according to a different administration official.
The dramatic move came soon after C...
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Ex-Prez who took nuns to court slams Trump on religious freedom
**Written by Doug Powers
Ex-President Obama said when leaving office that he would offer his successor the same courtesy that George W. Bush gave him by sparing criticism (unless he felt an urgent need to speak out on something of super-importance). Obama's pledge to remain on the sidelines lasted just over a week:
Former President Obama “is heartened by the level of engagement taking place in communities around the country,” but he “fundamentally disagrees” with discrimination based on faith ...
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NYC mayor reminds Trump that America is a country founded on Bill de Blasio’s values (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Is it Sunday again already? Ok, here we go…
Let's kick things off with a NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio shot & chaser that's about what you'd expect.
May of last year:
When people like de Blasio preach inclusion, they mean their version of it. Those straying from the progressive tolerance reservation will be put in their place along with the Little Sisters of the Poor.
From somewhere deep in the Westchester County woods, Hillary Clinton weighs in on Presi...
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Report: EPA employees crying about Trump so much they might have to fine themselves for excessive facial runoff
**Written by Doug Powers
The EPA is among the federal agencies that continue to be triggered by recent political events, and some bureaucrats there are apparently so upset about everything they might spend the next few months in therapy instead of figuring out how to monitor your grill emissions:
Environmental Protection Agency employees have not accepted Donald Trump's victory and are still “coming to work in tears” more than two months after the election.
“At EPA headquarters, the mood remain...
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Uh oh: Concerned looking guys with giant toy clock bring forth bad news for humanity
**Written by Doug Powers
The looks on their faces indicate we should be concerned:
I find my Doomsday Sundial to be a much more reliable measurement of planetary health, but then these people probably consider me to be anti-science for not placing full faith in the hands on an arbitrary giant toy clock:
Comments by US President Donald Trump on nuclear weapons and climate change have helped make the world less safe, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists warned Thursday, moving its symbolic “Doo...
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Flyover-speak 101: Dems holding crash courses in how to talk to ‘real people’
**Written by Doug Powers
This has to be one of the funniest headlines in recent memory:
What could possibly go wrong?
Gathering in Sheperdstown, West Virginia, Democrats were scheduled to hear Thursday from liberal political operative David Brock, Center for American Progress CEO Neera Tanden and Priorities USA CEO Guy Cecil in a session called “Hold Trump Accountable.” Earlier in the day, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) moderated a “discussion with Trump voters,” according to a draft schedule obta...
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Clean energy proposal: Harness the power of Paul Krugman’s backfiring market predictions
**Written by Doug Powers
Just before and shortly after Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton, New York Times super-genius economist and space alien stimulus architect Paul Krugman said that the smart Wall Street money was on Hillary Clinton:
As a matter of fact, on the night Trump was elected, Krugman predicted a market disaster from which the U.S. (and maybe the world) might never recover:
It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them t...
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