**Written by Doug Powers
Bernie Sanders discussed “patriotism” this week, so you know it's got something to do with A) How rich people should willingly bend over for Big Government, and B) Why it's OK for somebody to have three houses provided he/she is a dedicated socialist.
Here's Sanders' idea of super-patriots:
Mr. Trump, listen to these Patriotic Millionaires who want their taxes raised, not cut. pic.twitter.com/heoPX7VWkV
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) January 4, 2018
A couple questions...
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And the ‘Outstanding Achievement in Psychological Projection’ Oscar goes to…
**Written by Doug Powers
Actress Meryl Streep hasn't exactly been the “tip of the spear” when it comes to speaking out against sexual predation both in her industry and on her side of the political spectrum:
Bill Clinton and Meryl Streep had a delightful Democratic convention meeting https://t.co/0NCA3hH9Zh pic.twitter.com/BEJa0JD3aT
— Mashable (@mashable) July 29, 2016
Meryl Streep can't stop saying the wrong things about Harvey Weinstein https://t.co/yxAqU2yi7a pic.twitter.com/tbqvAxBzzS
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‘Do As I Say, Not As I Do’ starring Elizabeth Warren, Episode XXIV: $$ in Politics
**Written by Doug Powers
Elizabeth Warren's determined to up her “do as she says, not as she does” game as the next presidential campaign season rapidly approaches.
The wind-up, from two years ago:
“Thanks to the Supreme Court, our system of elections is riddled with corruption. Money floods our political system, money that lets a handful of billionaires shape who gets into Congress and may decide who sits in the White House,” Warren said on the Senate floor in January 2016.
And the pitch from t...
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Obama’s ‘Pallet of Cash to Iran’ trio ushers in 2018 with BIG laughs
**Written by Doug Powers
Hey, why should Hillary Clinton hog all the ex-Obama officials' self-unawareness fun during the protests in Iran? The people who were key in working with the regime, sending them a couple billion in cash and doing anything to save their precious nuclear deal are now criticizing the current administration for taking sides.
First off, John Kerry:
With humility about how little we know about what's happening inside Iran, this much is clear: it's an Iranian moment and not a...
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Hillary’s comment about anti-regime protest in Iran sets duplicity gold standard
**Written by Doug Powers
From the time they assumed office in January of 2009, President Obama and his State Department led by Hillary Clinton chose a side in the “Green Revolution,” and they didn't stand with those who were seeking to take the nation from a dictatorship to a democracy during protests about the “election” of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Instead Obama became pen pals with the Ayatollah to help seal the Iran Deal, which Hillary Clinton was quite proud of:
As secretary of state, Hillary l...
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Shocker: Guess what else was on Anthony Weiner’s laptop
**Written by Doug Powers
No big deal, just the release of redacted classified government documents from Hillary Clinton's top aide found on the computer her convicted serial perv husband:
The State Department on Friday released 2,800 work-related emails from Huma Abedin, a top aide to Hillary Clinton, that were found by the FBI on the laptop computer of Abedin's husband, disgraced former Rep. Anthony Weiner of New York.
Five of the messages from Abedin were marked classified, like numerous other...
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‘Open borders are awesome’ update: Berlin making New Year’s Eve ‘safe zone’ for women
**Written by Doug Powers
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been unapologetic about her open borders policy these past couple of years:
And how's all that working out? Just great as long as you can make it unscathed to your designated safe spaces on New Year's Eve:
Organisers of Berlin's New Year's Eve celebrations are to set up a “safe zone” for women for the first time.
The new security measures planned for the Brandenburg Gate party come amid concerns about sexual assaults.
A large number ...
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Actors at Golden Globes to protest harassment by wearing Weinstein’s favorite shades of black
**Written by Doug Powers
If you're a male actor in Hollywood looking for a way to protest your entire industry turning a blind eye for decades to sexual assault while fellow lefties climbed atop award show soapboxes to lecture the rest of the world about morality and ethics, what do you do? Well, since “boycotting self-congratulatory award shows” seems to be totally out of the question, Plan B is apparently “pretend your tuxedo is a political statement”:
Male actors have decided to join forces w...
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Marie Harf: Hey, Trump couldn’t be defeating ISIS without Obama doing little about it
**Written by Doug Powers
The U.S. military attributes an acceleration in the defeat of ISIS at least partly to changes in rules of engagement:
ISIS has lost 98 percent of the territory it once held — with half of that terror group's so-called “caliphate” having been recaptured since President Trump took office less than a year ago, U.S. military officials said Tuesday.
The massive gains come after years of “onerous” rules, when critics say the Obama administration “micromanaged” the war and shun...
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FORE! It’s Trump vs. CNN on (and near) the golf course
**Written by Doug Powers
On Tuesday, CNN was determined to debunk President Trump's tweet that he'd be working that day by getting footage of him on the course at Mar-a-Lago. My theory is that Jim Acosta bravely volunteered to disguise himself as a hedge in order to get close enough to record this harrowing footage:
Trump on the golf course today, captured by CNN cameras https://t.co/hctg9sO23e
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) December 26, 2017
By Wednesday, however, Trump's people (or somebody — the Sec...
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Global warming predictions for snow-free, sweltering winters are happe… wait, never mind
**Written by Doug Powers
Just over ten months ago, the winter in some U.S. areas brought with it warnings of the coming sauna caused by global warming:
Apparently, we were on the precipice of doom just last winter as alarmists were waking up on their sweat-soaked Al Gore “Inconvenient Truth” signature line of bed sheets with pangs of guilt:
How much should we really be enjoying weather so unseasonal, so suggestive of the consequences of climate change, when we're doing so little to combat the l...
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NYC mayor’s socialism dream motivated by capitalism success stories (wait, what?)
**Written by Doug Powers
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio provided the nation with the secular holiday season-approximate gift of laughter in a new interview. Why is he encouraged that his socialist agenda will eventually succeed on a widespread basis? Well, just look at these two historic success stories of capitalism!
De Blasio chalks up the fizzling of his progressive agenda to being overtaken by the Bernie Sanders campaign, which launched at a much smaller event on the other side of the Ca...
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Confirmed: Obama & his flacks need some self-awareness for Christmas
**Written by Doug Powers
Yesterday President Trump tweeted that he learned from Fox News about the FBI re-assigning the agency's top lawyer. In other news, former President Obama and his minions continue to suffer from Inauguration Day-onset amnesia:
I saw @BarackObama speak in Chicago a couple of weeks ago. He said that he didn't watch cable news when he was POTUS because everything on there was stuff he had learned a long time before it was on TV. https://t.co/9skSSSVQib
— Julie Bosman (@jul...
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Attn. Nancy Pelosi! CBS News finds 3 families who WON’T be killed by the tax bill
**Written by Doug Powers
You know it's bad for the Dems when even the mainstream media can't give an assist. Here's a CBS News story that did NOT cooperate with the Democrat narrative of “Armageddon” and mass misery. Nancy Pelosi hardest hit:
Breaking news: @CBSThisMorning asked three families for their tax returns and found that all three would receive tax cuts next year because of the #TaxCutsAndJobsAct. pic.twitter.com/xnGvTgV3bJ
— Senate Republicans (@SenateGOP) December 22, 2017
Sorry, N...
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Video awesomeness: Nikki Haley gives U.N. the wedgie of a lifetime
**Written by Doug Powers
On Thursday, the United Nations finally found somebody they weren't willing to appease:
BREAKING: UN General Assembly votes 128-9 to declare US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital `null and void'
— The Associated Press (@AP) December 21, 2017
That was, of course, an empty gesture from the U.N. since the U.S. has veto power over U.N. empty gestures.
All that led to Nikki Haley telling the U.N. to pound sand, and it was glorious:
This was WAY past overdue:
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Anybody surprised? Susan Rice slams Trump’s ‘America First’ approach
**Written by Doug Powers
If Trump changed his slogan to “Iran First” Rice would probably be temporarily placated, but that's not going to happen:
Former Obama national security adviser Susan Rice blasted President Trump's recent national security policy rollout in a new op-ed, arguing the U.S. will lose its moral authority abroad as well as make a mockery out of his “America first” approach.
“Relinquishing the nation's moral authority in these difficult times will only embolden rivals and weaken...
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Awkward: NBC/MSNBC journos getting bonuses because of GOP tax plan
**Written by Doug Powers
I can't wait to see how the lib media manage to spin this story as evidence of more cruelty, death, destruction and “Armageddon” the GOP tax plan hath wrought:
JUST IN: Comcast to give $1,000 bonuses to more than 100K "eligible frontline and non-executive employees" & invest $50 billion over the next five years in infrastructure "based on the passage of tax reform". https://t.co/YKho1O67Ek
(Disclosure: Comcast is parent co. of CNBC)
— CNBC (@CNBC) December 20, 2017...
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GOP tax bill causes Nancy Pelosi to lose remaining fragment of her mind
**Written by Doug Powers
The GOP tax bill is now very close to passage, and as that became clear last night, Nancy Pelosi put on her spelunking gear for another deep descent into insanity and self-unawareness:
A vote to pass the #GOPTaxScam is a vote to install a permanent plutocracy in America.
— Nancy Pelosi (@NancyPelosi) December 19, 2017
A warning about plutocracy from a super-wealthy member of Congress who's been in power for decades? Pelosi might be trying to convince people the tax bil...
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Harry Reid found an out-of-this-world way to secretly reward a donor
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a little story you might have read about this week:
In the $600 billion annual Defense Department budgets, the $22 million spent on the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program was almost impossible to find.
Which was how the Pentagon wanted it.
Scratch beneath the surface, though, and that's also how Harry Reid wanted it:
The shadowy program — parts of it remain classified — began in 2007, and initially it was largely funded at the request of Harry Reid, ...
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Effects of man-made climate change turn on a dime again, Part XXIV
**Written by Doug Powers
From the “Climate change is whatever we say it is so shut up” file we find the latest alarms being sounded in Alaska:
Snowfall in central Alaska has more than doubled since the mid 1800s, says a study which pointed the finger at global warming https://t.co/Rt1bZofYXv pic.twitter.com/TmxrmzvPaO
— AFP news agency (@AFP) December 19, 2017
Scientists blame global warming for DOUBLING the amount of snow atop an Alaskan mountain range https://t.co/OyyU6ZZ1lp
— Daily Mail On...
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