**Written by Doug Powers
Wow, that “Hope & Change” experiment was fairly short-lived for the First Lady:
Following the election of Donald Trump, Michelle Obama said many Americans now know what it's like not to have hope.
“We feel the difference now. See, now, we are feeling what not having hope feels like,” she told Oprah Winfrey in an interview, a clip for which aired on CBS on Friday. “Hope is necessary. It's a necessary concept and Barack didn't just talk about hope because he thought it...
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Hillary in October: ‘Rigging’ claims threaten democracy — Hillary to donors last night: IT WAS RIGGED, DAMMIT!
**Written by Doug Powers
It hasn't even been two months since Hillary Clinton said this:
Fast-forward the tape to last night, when Clinton told her wealthy donors that, yeah, there was a whole lotta rigging going on:
Hillary Clinton said on Thursday that the hacking attacks carried out by Russia against her campaign and the Democratic National Committee were intended “to undermine our democracy” and were ordered by Vladimir V. Putin “because he has a personal beef against me.”
Speaking to a gr...
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Martin Sheen & pals urge Electoral College to do as Founders intended and vote based on urgent request from Hollywood liberals
**Written by Doug Powers
Well, with things still looking grim for Hillary, her liberal supporters in the entertainment industry are left with no choice but to implement the “Hollywood Left nuclear option,” which is to make a group video in which they use all their thespian training to pretend they know what they're talking about.
Notice that the strategy has changed from “The Electoral College is antiquated and needs to be scrapped” to “our Founding Fathers built the Electoral College to safegua...
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Texas college’s suggested term for ‘holiday party’ COULD trigger accounting majors
**Written by Doug Powers
Dovetailing somewhat with Michelle's column about madness at Oberlin College, we head south from there, to Texas, where campus rose petals are trying to decide what to call late December parties that revolve around certain observances with religious overtones which must not be named. So they've made some helpful suggestions:
Texas Woman's University is advising students and faculty not to use the word “holiday” when describing parties in December because it “connotes re...
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A new victim in the war on small-biz bakeries
A new victim in the war on small-biz bakeries
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
It is not enough for family-owned pastry shops to bow to the gay marriage mob. Now, they're being targeted by the social justice mafia.
At my alma mater, radical Oberlin College in Ohio (which boasts hapless Baltimore mayor and rioters' champion Stephanie Rawlings Blake and bizarro feminist actress and fake rape accuser Lena Dunham as graduates), the operators of a small-business bakery are under si...
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President who ridiculed suggestions of election rigging: Voters should have taken possibility of election rigging more seriously
Fast forward the tape to **Written by Doug Powers
Remember this stuff in October before the election?
Fast forward the tape to this week when Obama was on The Daily Show:
President Obama suggested in a new interview that voters should have cared more about Russian meddling in the U.S. presidential race.
The president also said he doesn't think it should have been shocking to voters that the CIA concluded Russia intervened in the U.S. presidential race to help Trump win the Wh...
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Dept. of Energy bureaucrats hole up behind pile of old Solyndra panels to dodge Trump’s request for info
**Written by Doug Powers
Not long ago, Donald Trump's transition team asked the Department of Energy to give them the names of employees who work on Obama's climate change initiatives. The DoE's answer? No. For entrenched DoE bureaucrats, accountability seems to be the change in climate they fear the most:
The U.S. Energy Department said on Tuesday it will not comply with a request from President-elect Donald Trump's Energy Department transition team for the names of people who have worked on cl...
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Irony 101: Washington State U. profs WILL NOT TOLERATE free speech they consider intolerant
**Written by Doug Powers
Once again, the old rule that “every snowflake is different” can be tossed out the window on another college campus, because there are several who work at Washington State University who are exactly alike:
A group of Washington State University professors have decried “discourses of free speech” in an open letter to the campus community, suggesting such defenses of the First Amendment hurt “marginalized students.”
The letter, signed by about two dozen scholars at the s...
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Money well spent, Jill Stein donors! Completed Wisconsin recount results are in
**Written by Doug Powers
The Green Party and Jill Stein will consider the effort a success because they've greatly padded their email list and scored some extra “green” heading into her 2020 run, but any Clinton supporters who donated in the actual hope of reversing the results are in for a rude awakening (in addition to having marked themselves as ripe for a few dozen email solicitations from Nigerian “princes”):
The three-state recount efforts spearheaded by Green Party presidential candidate...
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Chan-tastic! Latest Albert Gore Jr. Eco-Hypocrisy Award goes to this actor
**Written by Doug Powers
Actor Jackie Chan is the latest recipient of the Albert Gore Jr. Eco-Hypocrisy Award for the following offset of irony…
Chan's been a longtime champion of the environment, as evidenced by this profile from 2005:
Jackie Chan may not drive a hybrid (or maybe he does) but he has taken meaningful action on behalf of the environment.
He has also offered his star power to environmental efforts on the mainland. In 2004 Jackie participated in the effort to build a Green Grea...
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Feel the Bern! Mich. worker-owned restaurant modeled on socialism closes because… guess why (Sunday open thread)
**Written by Doug Powers
Another Sunday has arrived, meaning it's time for an open thread.
Batting leadoff today is a story slightly outside the presidential race and national politics realm, but it's one that is too great of a metaphor to ignore…
A vegan restaurant with a “progressive business model” opened in 2011 a few dozen miles drive west on I-96 from where I sit, and it's turned into an interesting statement about socialism.
This was the vision:
The inspiration for the worker-owned res...
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Trump team’s inquiry has some at the Dept. of Energy sweating carbon-neutral, eco-friendly, taxpayer-funded buckets
**Written by Doug Powers
Is there anything more nauseating that the stench of entitlement that emerges from an entrenched bureaucracy that feels threatened?
Donald Trump's transition team wants the Energy Department to provide the names of any employees who have worked on President Barack Obama's climate initiatives — a request that has current and former staffers fearing an oncoming “witch hunt.”
The president-elect's team sought the information as part of a 74-point questionnaire that also a...
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Obama sure did a quick about-face on accusations of election shenanigans (something not go as planned?)
Then Hillary lost…
Obama **Written by Doug Powers
It's been a year of interesting and sudden about-faces. Case-in-point…
Obama in October when the polls showed Hillary Clinton would probably cruise to an easy election victory:
Then Hillary lost…
Obama today:
By Hillary's pre-election definition, that was a threat to democracy. By Hillary's (and Obama's) post-election definition, it must be done to preserve election integrity. Well, at least they're super transparent.
**Written by D...
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Perfect: World’s foremost ‘fake news’ content provider says something needs to be done about spread of ‘fake news’
**Written by Doug Powers
On Thursday Hillary Clinton warned against the spread of “fake news,” which is a little like Bill issuing a BOLO for cheating husbands.
Bonus points: Hillary said this during a tribute to fellow “fake news” content provider, Harry “Romney didn't pay taxes for ten years” Reid:
Hillary Clinton said Thursday on Capitol Hill that the epidemic of “fake news” represents a “danger” that must be “addressed quickly.”
“Let me just mention briefly one threat in particular that sho...
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Dems worried Trump’s pick to head EPA could spell end of life as we know it (a bigger threat than air conditioners!)
**Written by Doug Powers
Climate change alarmist lefties were encouraged by this news on Monday:
The progressive celebrations in honor of Mother Gaia being taken off life support didn't last long though:
It's the end of the world! Literally:
The news of the expected nomination drew sharp criticism from green groups and environmental advocates in Congress, including former presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who said he would oppose the “sad and dangerous” move.
“Mr. Pruitt's record is not...
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Well done! Donors to Jill Stein have paid $3.5 million to help widen Trump’s margin of victory in Wisconsin
**Written by Doug Powers
The possibility this could happen is why Stein and the Green Party had “no refunds no exchanges” fine print on their recount donation agreement:
With the Wisconsin Election Commission working since last Thursday – when Stein paid $3.5 million for the recount after alleging reports of fraud – there has been little change so far to the unofficial results reported on Election Day. Trump won the state by 22,000 votes over Clinton.
In a twist, Trump is gaining.
By Wednesday ...
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Allow Obama to describe how his admin’s denial about terrorists’ motivations has kept US homeland safe
**Written by Doug Powers
In Tampa yesterday, President Obama pointed out how his administration's strategy of denial, extreme parsing and “shock & awe” levels of motive-dodging have left him with an impeccable domestic counterterrorism legacy:
Obama's defense of his record is largely built around the crises he avoided, the large number of troops he brought home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the terrorist attacks that did not happen on his watch.
“No foreign terrorist organization has succes...
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She’s used to it: Hillary Clinton finishes 2nd behind Donald Trump for Time’s Person of the Year
**Written by Doug Powers
In 2008, Time said they chose Barack Obama as their Person of the Year because he was full up “hope” to bring America together. Eight years later, Time calls the country the “Divided States of America,” but they make it sound like the fault of somebody who hasn't even taken office yet:
Coming in second (again) was Hillary “Always a Bridesmaid” Clinton:
To ease the pain, Hillary's going to go around the country thanking some of the average people who supported her ha...
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The Messy Truth about Race-Baiting Radical Demagogue Van Jones
The Messy Truth about Race-Baiting Radical Demagogue Van Jones
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2016
They never learn.
The grand journalism pooh-bahs at CNN were humiliated this election cycle when WikiLeaks revealed that former CNN contributor and interim DNC chair Donna Brazile had shared a question with the Hillary Clinton campaign in advance of a March Democratic primary town hall debate. According to CNN, “activist anchor” Roland Martin and his production team at CNN's debate ...
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AWW: Manhattan PR firm cancels holiday party because Hillary lost
**Written by Doug Powers
Twas the night before the election, and all through the firm
progressives were giddy, especially Liam the intern
The pantsuit was hung by the chimney with care
in the hope that President Hillary soon would be there…
Instead of continuing with a holiday party in the throes of post-election depression, one company will instead remain in their designated safe spaces until further notice:
Manhattan fashion p.r. company LaForce — which reps Target, Banana Republic an...
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