**Written by Doug Powers
This week, one of the most dangerous places to be on Earth is standing in between Debbie Wasserman Schultz and an “exit” sign during a question about the Trump dossier:
Democrats' dossier denials pile up. pic.twitter.com/m0NFFhj33m
— Fox News (@FoxNews) October 27, 2017
Did DWS ever get her laptop back? Maybe that's also on her mind.
Dems like DWS are always the smartest, most attentive and insightful people in any room (just ask them). That is until the sh*t goes down...
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DOJ settles IRS targeting lawsuits filed during totally scandal-free Obama admin
**Written by Doug Powers
Among the Democrats' favorite historical revisionist talking points are those that the Obama presidency was scandal free:
Obama WH Chief of Staff: I'm Proud That We've Been ‘Historically Free of Scandal' https://t.co/Ycxk7THCga (VIDEO) pic.twitter.com/B48m3GXDbD
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) January 15, 2017
Jay Carney: Obama Administration Has Been Entirely 'Scandal-Free' https://t.co/zclWyB8Uqe (VIDEO) pic.twitter.com/CEIs8ULZTB
— Mediaite (@Mediaite) January 10, 2017
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Hillary Clinton a lock to win ‘Psychological Projector of the Decade’ award
**Written by Doug Powers
It looks like Hillary Clinton's the odd-on favorite to take home the prestigious Psychological Projector of the Decade award. At least she's going to win something…
October 31, 2016:
With just 8 days left, this can't wait. RT if you agree Trump should immediately disclose all of his ties and connections to Russia. pic.twitter.com/IqmC2wIDq4
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) November 1, 2016
On second thought, Clinton should also win some sort of unintentional humor a...
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The lib enablers of perv photog Terry Richardson
The lib enablers of perv photog Terry Richardson
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
If you wonder why Hollywood stayed so quiet so long about casting couch abuse behind closed doors, just look at how the entertainment industry enabled perverted sexual exploitation of women in front of the camera.
Fashion magazine moguls at Conde Nast have now reportedly blacklisted soft-porn celebrity photographer Terry Richardson from working on shoots for Vogue, GQ and Glamour. Count yourself...
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Mass. chapter of anti-Trump Resistance to scream for impeachment help from sky gods
**Written by Doug Powers
A year after the election it sounds like those upset by what happened last November 8th are starting to finally pull themselves together. Just kidding!
Over 4,000 Facebook users have RSVP'd—another 33,000 are interested in attending—to the Nov. 8 event being held in Boston that is literally titled “Scream helplessly at the sky on the anniversary of the election.”
The event is pretty much self-explanatory. On the anniversary of last year's election, thousands will flock ...
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Of course: MSNBC report asking if higher border fence is necessary ruined by fence jumpers
**Written by Doug Powers
This is some serious self-contained irony, and on more than one level. Enjoy:
The only thing surprising is that MSNBC didn't report that those jumping the fence were doing so only because they were trying to get to Canada.
(h/t @RealSaavedra)
**Written by Doug Powers
Twitter @ThePowersThatBe
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Russia investigation edges closer to… totally backfiring on Team Hillary
**Written by Doug Powers
The DNC and Team Clinton's immediate and loud “Russia collusion” accusation against the Trump campaign after their 2016 election loss was a desperate attempt to avoid the reality that Hillary was simply a bad candidate, but considering recent news it might also be one of the most glaring examples of projection in modern political history. Combine that with a new wrinkle in the Mueller investigation and all the finger pointing and demand for a Russia investigation could b...
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Oops: Rep. Wilson unwittingly pokes holes in Dems’ Benghazi narrative
**Written by Doug Powers
From the House Democrats' Benghazi report released last year:
“We have been hampered in our work by the ongoing Republican obsession with conspiracy theories that have no basis in reality,” said the Democratic report, which underscored the fierce political divisions between Republicans and Democrats over the attack on a U.S. consular post and a CIA annex in the Libyan port city. “Rather than reject these conspiracy theories in the absence of evidence — or in the face of ...
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United Nations shores up legacy as world’s biggest comedy club
**Written by Doug Powers
Nothing sums up the U.N. and its agencies better than this:
From the bureaucratic body that put Iran on a women's rights council comes another effort to outdo themselves:
Provoking global head-scratching and more than a little outrage, Robert Mugabe, the longtime president of Zimbabwe — who faces international sanctions for human rights abuses including violent crackdowns on political dissent — has been appointed as a “goodwill ambassador” for the World Health Organiza...
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Heh: Obama warns decimated Dem Party that divisive politics is a dead-end street
**Written by Doug Powers
Former President Barack Obama is on the campaign trail for Dems, and he's bringing some wisdom with him:
Obama: "If you have to win a campaign by dividing people, you're not going to be able to govern them. You won't be able to unite them later" pic.twitter.com/TPAkycVMXQ
— CBS News (@CBSNews) October 19, 2017
Obama's so self-unaware he has no idea he's projecting, which means at the same time he has no idea just how correct he is:
That's where the “politics of divisio...
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Nauseating: Dem Rep. thrilled by how she just became a ‘rock star’
**Written by Doug Powers
In a year where new lows seem to be reached almost hourly, this one might not be eclipsed for quite a bit longer than that:
Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson (Fla.) laughed on Thursday that she was now a “rock star” and called it “phenomenal” that she's embroiled in a feud with the White House over a conversation President Donald Trump had with a military widow.
Wilson set off a firestorm this week when she told reporters that Trump upset Myeshia Johnson, the widow of Sgt...
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Bernie Sanders: You should WANT to pay higher taxes (For the ‘free’ stuff!)
**Written by Doug Powers
Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz debated about taxes on CNN Wednesday night, and the Vermont socialist senator described the reason taxes on everybody need to go up, not down. Why? For all that “free” stuff:
.@BernieSanders on taxes: "Yes, you are going to pay more"But says you will get "free health care, free child care," kids can go to college
— Teddy Davis (@TeddyDavisCNN) October 19, 2017
The crux of Bern-ocracy is that the government should get your money and decide wh...
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Beware the rape allegation bandwagon
Beware the rape allegation bandwagon
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
“#MeToo” is the social media meme of the moment. In a 24-hour period, the phrase was tweeted nearly a half million times and posted on Facebook 12 million times. Spearheaded by actress Alyssa Milano in the wake of Hollyweird's Harvey Weinstein sexual harassment scandal, women have flooded social media with their own long-buried accounts of being pestered, groped or assaulted by rapacious male predators in t...
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NY Times: Economy’s getting better, and here’s how that might kill you
**Written by Doug Powers
With the mainstream media being what it is, the Trump era means that even good news is bad news. Below is one such example featuring the two top economic stories from a Google search. How's this for a shot & chaser?
The Dow hit another record high this week and there are other signs of economic turnaround, but don't get too excited about any of it. According to an article in the NY Times, an improved economy could kill you:
But a surging economy does more than gener...
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Dare to dream: ‘Constitutional law expert’ lays out Hillary’s path to the WH
**Written by Doug Powers
This is such a ridiculous pipe dream that regular pipe dreams are laughing at it, but hardcore Clinton fans might be intrigued and filled with fresh hope, so here goes — Hillary's path to the White House as it stands now:
Here's how constitutional law expert Lessig lays it out:
If number 1: If Trump is definitively found to have colluded directly with Russia, he would be forced to resign or be impeached.
If number 2: If Trump is removed, Vice President Mike Pence would b...
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‘Take a knee’ reaches city council level
**Written by Doug Powers
It was inevitable, I suppose:
Four #a2council members #TakeAKnee during the Pledge of Allegiance at tonight's meeting https://t.co/PIG4Uv6jHS
— Lauren(Fitch)Slagter (@LaurenSlagter) October 16, 2017
At some point the whole “take a knee” movement will grind to a halt simply because it'll become untrendy, like designer jeans that were really cool until your parents started wearing them:
Four Ann Arbor city council members chose to kneel during the Pledge of Allegiance ...
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Shiv-elry is not dead: Hillary says WH hopes got shanked by Comey
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton was interviewed recently by an Australian Broadcasting Corporation journalist who noticed that the former presidential candidate has descended into madness. Well, the interviewer didn't put it that way but still…
I have been following Hillary Clinton's career since the mid-1990s as a journalist in Washington reporting on the first term of Bill Clinton's presidency.
The Hillary Clinton I knew then would not have said publicly she had been “shivved” by the ...
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John Kerry, Susan Rice very concerned that Trump’s treating Iran unfairly
**Written by Doug Powers
President Trump's announcement that the U.S. won't certify Iranian compliance with the Iran Deal has former Secretary of State John Kerry worried that the current administration is treating unfairly the country headed by a man who leads “death to America” chants.” From CBS News:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry on Friday blasted President Trump's decision not to re-certify Iran's compliance with the Iran nuclear deal, accusing Mr. Trump of jumpstarting an “internatio...
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Jane Fonda, last month’s ‘feminist hero’ for slamming Trump, now sorry about something
**Written by Doug Powers
Just one month ago, our celebrity betters were back atop their national TV soap box and taking pot shots at one of their favorite targets:
9 to 5's Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton and Lily Tomlin once again proved that they're the feminist heroes we need while reuniting at the Emmy Awards.
While presenting an award at Sunday's gala, the ladies couldn't help but notice the similarities between the sexist boss played by Dabney Coleman in their beloved movie, and the current occup...
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Impeachment of Trump is taking too long so Larry Flynt’s getting involved
**Written by Doug Powers
If you're keeping score at home regarding what the anti-Trump Resistance is pinning their hopes to, here's an update…
Out: “Trump colluded with Russia. Impeach!”
In: “Sure hope the Hustler publisher can find something.”
3:30p FBN EXCLSV: @washingtonpost will run a Sun.Hustler Mag's @ImLarryFlynt offers $10m 4 info on @realDonaldTrump pic.twitter.com/6SgK1khFDi
— Liz Claman (@LizClaman) October 13, 2017
Hey, somebody had to fill Harvey Weinstein's void on the Democrat s...
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