**Written by Doug Powers
In an interview on the BBC, Hillary Clinton tried to remind everybody that the statute of limitations on pointing out the Clintons' shameless hypocrisy has run out. It started out with a question about Harvey Weinstein that Hillary quickly deflected toward Trump, proving that her most recent compunction bypass surgery was another a huge success:
“This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether it's in entertainment, politics,” Clinton said. “After all, we hav...
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Here’s a Weinstein talking point just waiting to be picked up by the left
**Written by Doug Powers
A University of Southern California student newspaper op-ed has established blame for Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood mogul and Dem mega-donor/bundler who backed Hillary Clinton twice and visited Obama in the White House several times (via Twitchy):
And yes, the actual column is everything you're imagining:
For years, that social and political disenfranchisement has been propagated by the party that unapologetically handed Trump the presidency, where, at the very least,...
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Women’s March kicking patriarchy in crotch with Bernie Sanders as convention opener
**Written by Doug Powers
Thought experiment in October 2017: You're a progressive women's organization searching for a high profile female in politics to open your convention — one who wasn't overly backed by Harvey Weinstein so it doesn't look too hypocritical — who do you call? Bernie Sanders, apparently:
We are so excited to have @SenSanders join us at the #WomensConvention October 27-29th in Detroit! https://t.co/UssiTSe2IN
— Women's March (@womensmarch) October 12, 2017
Feminists aren't t...
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Pelosi: Trump’s EO will sabotage O-care (How? She has no idea)
**Written by Doug Powers
Out: We have to pass it to find out what's in it.
In: He passed it, I still don't know what's in it, but I do know it's awful:
Q: Leader Pelosi, I know the White House hasn't put out all the details yet, but can you respond to what we know about the President's executive order on health care that they're putting out today and what your take is on him doing anything by executive order after essentially failing to get anything through Congress on health care?
Leader Pelos...
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What’s worse than the sale of baby parts? A GOPers statement ABOUT selling baby parts
**Written by Doug Powers
The pro-abort Left has its supporters at Twitter, and there's no better way to confirm that than by looking at what the social media company temporarily flagged as potentially offensive content from Tennessee Rep. Marsha Blackburn, who's running for U.S. Senate:
A Senate campaign ad by Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn was blocked on Twitter Monday because of a statement she made in the spot about the sale of fetal tissue for medical research.
Blackburn, a Tennessee repre...
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Obama lied. My FOURTH health plan died.
Obama lied. My FOURTH health plan died.
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Cue the funeral bagpipes. My FOURTH health insurance plan is dead.
Two weeks ago, my husband and I received yet another cancellation notice for our private, individual health insurance coverage. It's our fourth Obamacare-induced obituary in four years. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, arrived in the fall of 2013. The insurer informed us that because of “changes from health ...
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Hillary Clinton was so angered by Weinstein ‘revelations’ that she…
**Written by Doug Powers
…Released a two-sentence statement through her spokesman five days after the story broke and a couple decades after everybody knew about his habitual behavior:
“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton said in a statement through her spokesman Nick Merrill. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”
Weinstein is a ...
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No credits for you! Hollywood starts process of pretending Weinstein never happened
**Written by Doug Powers
As the Harvey Weinstein story gets worse and worse, the “denial” phase is now under way in Hollywood:
The name Harvey Weinstein is being purged from Hollywood.
On Monday, Deadline reported that The Weinstein Company is removing Weinstein's executive producer credit from any TV series he's worked on, and plans to wipe it from upcoming movie releases.
“So it is written, so it shall be done.”
Striking Weinstein's name is way more about the rest of Hollywood trying to make ...
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Update on how progressive policies are ‘helping’ San Fran businesses
**Written by Doug Powers
The city of San Francisco took a lead in leading the local economy into progressive utopia in June of this year:
San Francisco's minimum wage will increase to $14 per hour on Saturday, continuing the scheduled increases of a voter-approved measure that will lead The City to have one of the highest minimum wages in the country at $15 next year.
How's that going? Fast forward to this month:
Gee, what could have happened?
Factors like skyrocketing rents, minimum wage and ...
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That’ll teach him! DNC gives away 10% of Weinstein’s donations (to Dem orgs)
**Written by Doug Powers
The DNC is making a symbolic gesture against mega-Dem donor and fundraiser Harvey Weinstein by giving a fraction of the money he's donated to the party away to organizations that support the Democratic Party. This is known as the “out of one pocket and into another in the same pair of pants” technique of cleansing tainted donation money:
The Democratic National Committee will redistribute thousands of dollars of donations from Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein to several...
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Nancy Pelosi speaks the truth (!?)
**Written by Doug Powers
Nancy Pelosi recently did a great job of proving wrong those who say if you give the Dems an inch on gun control measures they'll be inspired to take a mile. Oops, I mean, she did a great job of proving them right:
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Thursday that she “certainly hopes” a ban on “bump stocks” will open the door to additional gun control actions.
“They're going to say, ‘You give them bump stock, it's going to be a slippery slope.' I certain...
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Hillary Clinton finds new post-election loss niche: Cybersecurity expert
**Written by Doug Powers
This has to be the funniest headline of the week:
Unless her first tip was “don't ever take cyber security advice from Hillary Clinton” it was a counterproductive speech:
Hillary Clinton's email server was unsecure for first 3 months in office http://t.co/4gXbDpemVn pic.twitter.com/RYG5nZ9ZMY
— Fortune (@FortuneMagazine) March 11, 2015
If you're not sold on Hillary's cyber-expert cred, here's a flashback to convince you:
Who better to give a speech about cybersecurit...
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‘Truth to power’ late-night hosts were ALL OVER the Weinstein story (just kidding)
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's a compilation of all the jokes and comments made about Harvey Weinstein last night by “truth to power” late-night hosts Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Myers, Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon:
Weinstein has donated nearly $600,000 to Democrats and raised a lot more money than that for the party and its pols, so you'd think that could provide a treasure trove of jokes about Democrat hypocrisy. Dems habitually accusing Republicans as being “bad for women” when their party was t...
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PEAK pitiful: Grieving fans thank Hillary 11 months after election loss
**Written by Doug Powers
Hillary Clinton most likely has the longest “victory” tour after losing an election of any candidate in history. On the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon Wednesday night, she was thanked some more, nearly a year after being denied the White House:
Hillary Clinton went on The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon yesterday and the female writers of the show wanted to show their gratitude to the former presidential candidate. They read out thank-you notes to her along to approp...
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Hollywood mogul’s response to NYT sexual predator bombshells: Get the NRA!
**Written by Doug Powers
The New York Times has reported about decades worth of sexual harassment allegations against Hollywood mogul and big Hillary & Dem supporter Harvey Weinstein:
An investigation by The New York Times found previously undisclosed allegations against Mr. Weinstein stretching over nearly three decades, documented through interviews with current and former employees and film industry workers, as well as legal records, emails and internal documents from the businesses he ha...
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WaPo fact check rates Tim Kaine’s ‘silencer’ lie less untrue because of his ignorance
**Written by Doug Powers
Sorry, but I couldn't think of a more accurate way to title this post. However, before any of the real ridiculousness starts, watch a short video here to see just how “silent” a suppressor makes an automatic weapon.
With that in mind, U.S. Senator, uber weasel and Hillary's ex running-mate Tim Kaine is helping out the the lib narrative to sound the alarm about something that didn't even play a role in Las Vegas: Suppressors:
“He was only stopped finally because he did no...
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We need fallacy control now!
We need fallacy control now!
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
Enough is enough. It's epidemic. It's dangerous. And the time has come to demand its end.
In the aftermath of the horrific massacre in Las Vegas, America needs fallacy control. Yes, we must declare war on fallaciousness. Now more than ever, the nation is suffering from an outbreak of illogical thinking. In response to senseless violence, clearheaded citizens deserve a safe space from the 24/7 barrage of rhetorical n...
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Prog-style ‘cost analysis’ of extra births if 20 week abortion ban passes vs. DREAMers
**Written by Doug Powers
Here are three headlines touting the economic benefits of providing permanent legal status to people who entered or were brought into the country illegally…
ABC News:
Bloomberg View:
Business Insider:
But hold on a minute! The arrival of more people isn't always a boon to the economy. What if those “new arrivals” are domestic?
Well that's a different story altogether:
Planned Parenthood and NARAL are going to be all over this CBO analysis of what happens if abortion...
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Dems ‘do something’ by blaming NRA/GOP for nonexistent aspect of LV shooting
**Written by Doug Powers
Democrats have been demanding that Congress and the White House “do something” following the mass shooting in Las Vegas, but they're also desperate to try and make the NRA complicit. The answer? Sound the alarm about something that wasn't even used in the attack. Chuck Schumer leads it off:
Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) is demanding President Trump say he would veto a bill that would ease regulations on gun silencers.
“Today I am calling on the Preside...
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VP of admin that just left WH after 8 years says WH needs to do something about guns
**Written by Doug Powers
Former VP Joe “fire the shotgun through the door” Biden has slammed the Trump White House and Congress for taking immediate-but-unspecified action that would prevent mass shootings in as-yet unknown ways:
Former Vice President Joe Biden called for Congress and the White House to enact gun control legislation after a gunman killed more than 50 people and wounded at least 500 others at a country music festival in Las Vegas on Sunday night, and said there is “no excuse for...
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