**Written by Doug Powers
It's a certainty that when the mainstream media tries to offer tutorials about guns, they end up looking like such clowns that they get job offers from the Shrine Circus. Check out USA Today's animated graphic about the gun used by the Sutherland Springs, Texas mass murderer along with attachments they think he could have used:
A look at the gun used in the Texas church shooting. https://t.co/xdxIf5fR77 pic.twitter.com/sUY1mCCLZC
— USA TODAY (@USATODAY) November 8, 201...
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Donna Brazile penning book to refute claims made in her previous book
**Written by Doug Powers
As of now, the above headline is a semi-joke, but that's pretty much what Brazile is doing while on her book tour:
In an appearance on The View Tuesday, former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Donna Brazile attempted to walk back her book's bombshell revelation that Clinton's team had control over the DNC long before she had secured the nomination and had rigged the primary. Brazile argued that she'd never used the word “rigged” in her book, a claim refuted...
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There’s a buried lede in this Trump/Obamacare shocker
**Written by Doug Powers
Hey, isn't it amazing what a government mandate can accomplish with very little promotional effort!
ObamaCare signups set new record despite Trump slashing promotion budget by 90 percent: https://t.co/ugVXgeyPRh pic.twitter.com/BcXErgY8IR
— The Hill (@thehill) November 7, 2017
The Hill is making a point here, but I'm not sure it's the one they think it is:
A record number of people signed up for ObamaCare in the first few days of open enrollment this year compared to t...
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Dems’ NRA/GOP-bashing narrative collapses under weight of reality
**Written by Doug Powers
Sunday afternoon the Democrats were quick to suspend a “don't play politics with a tragedy” rule they implemented just after the attack in New York City after 26 people were shot to death and many more wounded in a church in Sutherland Springs, Texas. At the House of Representatives, California Dem Rep. Ted Lieu walked out of the chamber during a moment of silence for the victims of Devin Kelley:
Lieu, a Democratic congressman, didn't join his colleagues in the U.S. Hous...
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John Kerry slams Trump for ruining N. Korea’s disinterest in getting nukes
**Written by Doug Powers
This is the quintessential John Kerry response to a question about a rogue regime that got even more rogue-ish during eight years of hope, change, appeasement, strongly worded letters, red lines, hashtags, James Taylor concerts and pallets of cash:
Former Secretary of State John Kerry said in an interview scheduled to air Monday that President Trump's rhetoric has given North Korea a reason to say it needs to acquire a nuclear weapon.
“I think what the president needs to...
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Profiles in terrible public relations, NFL-style
**Written by Doug Powers
The backlash to players kneeling during the National Anthem (and even during moments of silence for slain police officers) continues and here's a veteran who took a stand:
Due to months of controversy over players kneeling or sitting during the national anthem before NFL games, a Navy veteran has said would not be accepting an award during any Saints game.
John Wells, a disabled veteran and executive director of Military Veterans Advocacy, was slated to receive the Peop...
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Satire DOA: Team Hillary names Donna Brazile as part of massive Russia collusion cabal
**Written by Doug Powers
The Clinton campaign responding to claims in Donna Brazile's book by saying she fell for the Russian intrusion and brainwashing effort has got to be a new record for begging the question. The more proof that arises showing Hillary was a bad and unscrupulous candidate will simply be, according to the Clinton faithful, additional “evidence” that the Russian propaganda effort was a success. If the spin below doesn't work, next there will be Clinton staffers claiming Brazile...
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What happened!? Pelosi, Mook ready to leave 2016 behind. Now.
**Written by Doug Powers
After Hillary Clinton's election loss, her campaign quickly released a “Trump colluded with Russia” narrative that so many in the media were happy to run with. Nancy Pelosi and Clinton's former campaign manager Robby Mook were among those who kept the talking point alive over the course of (much of) the ensuing year:
.@realDonaldTrump must not be allowed to wriggle out of his duty to hold Russia accountable. #ProtectOurDemocracy https://t.co/00WST3ae3Y pic.twitter.com/5...
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Look to Elizabeth Warren then vs. now for some (f)rigging hilarity
**Written by Doug Powers
Here's Sen. Elizabeth “Dances With Identity Fraud” Warren in October of 2016:
It's not rigged, @realDonaldTrump. You're losing fair & square. Put on your big-boy pants because this is what accountability looks like.
— Elizabeth Warren (@elizabethforma) October 19, 2016
Fast forward to just over a year later after the Donna Brazile's claims of DNC pulling strings to make sure the nomination went to Hillary Clinton:
Asked Thursday by CNN's Jake Tapper whether she bel...
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Media can’t stop dropping firecrackers down their own shorts trying to ‘get’ Trump
**Written by Doug Powers
Trump hatred can cause some of his media critics to get so far out in front of their skis that they faceplant into the moon. Case-in-point, this GQ article in which the president was called out for what the article claimed in part was selective support for the death penalty after attacks. This has to be among my top five favorite corrections of all time:
Edit: An earlier version of this article used a headline noting that Trump had publicly called for the death penalty i...
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Donna Brazile spills Dem Party’s beans while jumping ship
**Written by Doug Powers
Former DNC interim chair Donna Brazile has rolled over on just about every major figure in the Democratic Party in excerpts from her new book, which Brazile hopes is sturdy enough to take shelter under as the Russia narrative collapses right on top of them. There's also some unintentional humor in it all:
Brazile: When I was asked to run the DNC, I stumbled onto a shocking truth about the Clinton campaign. https://t.co/ODpvvlS46j
— POLITICO Magazine (@POLITICOMag) Novem...
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Chuck Schumer knows when attacks should and shouldn’t be politicized
**Written by Doug Powers
After the terrorist attack in New York City on Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer made it clear he didn't enjoy President Trump calling him out, along with a program he championed:
The terrorist came into our country through what is called the "Diversity Visa Lottery Program," a Chuck Schumer beauty. I want merit based.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 1, 2017
“Diversity Lottery” sounds like it could be the title of a newly discovered unpublished George Orwell ...
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Allahu-Akbar-itis: America’s deadly and debilitating disease
Allahu-Akbar-itis: America's deadly and debilitating disease
by Michelle MalkinCreators Syndicate
Copyright 2017
“Shout ‘Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers.”
Who knew hijacker Mohammed Atta's parting words, discovered in his journal after the 9/11 attacks, would become a national punchline? The louder and more frequently jihadists around the globe shriek their signature battle cry, the more fervently multicultural apologists deny its meaning. They've tran...
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Steyer’s ‘impeach Trump’ petition gets LOTS of signatures, meaning… well, nothing
**Written by Doug Powers
Billionaire Democrat Tom Steyer has spent millions of dollars airing anti-Trump ads and is also circulating a petition calling for the impeachment of the president. The petition has over a million signatures:
California billionaire and political activist Tom Steyer has put some serious money behind impeaching Trump—and it looks like his efforts might be paying off, at least in terms of signatures.
On October 20, Steyer launched a campaign to impeach Trump, with an ad t...
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Confirmed: Hillary dressing up as ‘bitterness and frustration’ for Halloween
**Written by Doug Powers
It's been almost a full year since the election, and it's good to see that Hillary Clinton's let it go and moved on. Just kidding!
Hillary Clinton didn't get to be president in real life — so how about for Halloween?
Asked onstage at the Auditorium Theatre on Monday night what costume she was planning to wear for Halloween, the vanquished Democratic presidential candidate appeared momentarily flummoxed.
“I have to start thinking about it,” she said. “I think I will maybe...
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Menendez lawyers can’t convince judge to end bribery trial (time to sweeten the deal?)
**Written by Doug Powers
New Jersey Senator Bob Menendez's legal team would have tried getting a mistrial declared by slipping the judge a big envelope filled with cash, but ironically the only way that would have been guaranteed to work would have been if the judge was Senator Menendez. Back to the drawing board:
Eight weeks of occasionally star-studded testimony by the likes of Senator Cory Booker and former Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius came to an anticlimactic conc...
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Jimmy Kimmel to put Oscars celebs at ease by avoiding Weinstein material
**Written by Doug Powers
News about Harvey Weinstein (and more recently Kevin Spacey) has meant some serious awkwardness for the Hollywood lefties who love to lecture America about morality. How will Jimmy Kimmel handle the situation early next year when he hosts the Oscars? Apparently by totally avoiding the subject:
Kimmel will host the 2018 Academy Awards and he said that it will not be a place to joke about Weinstein or the people who have or have not come forward with allegations.
“It's not...
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Some anniversaries Hillary Clinton is NOT going to remind everybody about
**Written by Doug Powers
The traditional gift for a one-year anniversary is paper, so if you're going to give Hillary Clinton a gift for this occasion, make it several boxes of tissues because she's still crying about the election:
Saturday marked the one-year anniversary of when, with 11 days until Election Day, former FBI Director James Comey sent a letter to members of Congress informing them that the FBI learned of the “existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation” i...
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Reality forces Dem Rep. Schiff to dial Russia rhetoric WAY back
**Written by Doug Powers
When the contents of the so-called Trump dossier came out, Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff was among those who were all over it, making claims like this as if it was a cold, hard fact:
Since then, some inconvenient facts have emerged that the Dems weren't eager to disclose about the dossier:
This morning, Schiff completed his metamorphosis into the Nathan Thurm of the new millennium by saying we need to find out how much information in the dossier — the documents Dems like ...
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CNN spins Dems’ Russia narrative collapse as only they (and the MSM) can
**Written by Doug Powers
If you're CNN and the Trump/Russia collusion narrative starts to crumble, and Clinton/DNC fingerprints (and $$) are starting to show up all over the dossier story and other Russia dealings, how do you report the shifts in reality? Easy:
The ol' “Republicans pounce” media approach to inconvenient truths about Democrats:
President Donald Trump and his allies in Washington are seizing on a pair of revelations about his former rival Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party ...
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